The students practiced reading their lines for their green-screen presentations. They then found pictures to use for their backgrounds. They used the CC Creative Commons site to find their pictures.
Everyone has a specific iPad, which they will need for the next few classes. Students also made a slide in Pic Collage for the start and the end of their video.
The students continued learning about maps. Today we covered:
TITLE - maps have a title
ORIENTATION - how the map is drawn on the paper, usually North is at the top
DATE - when was the map created, has the area changed if it is an older map
AUTHOR - who made the map
LEGEND - a table that explains the pictures on the map
SCALE - a tool, which explains distance
INDEX - a directory showing all the places on the map and how to find them using the grid lines
GRID - lines that are put horizontally and vertically through the map to help locate places
Symbols - a drawing on a map that represents something on the ground
Ratio - to show the scale, example: 1cm = 1 km may read 1:100
Compass Rose - shows the cardinal directions (North, East, South, West) NEVER EAT SOGGY NOODLES
Latitude - invisible lines that run horizontally around the earth
- are all equally spaced apart
- the EQUATOR goes around the middle of the earth like a belt
Longitude - invisible lines that run vertically from pole to pole
- are closer together at the poles
- the PRIME MERIDIAN runs through Greenwich, England and is zero for longitude
Locations on earth can be described by Latitude and Longitude coordinates:
Example: Unity is 52 26.418 N, -109 09.109 W
The first number is degrees and the second number is minutes and the third number is seconds.
52 degrees 26 minutes and 418 seconds NORTH
TIME ZONES are different because the earth spins and rotates around the sun, so some parts are in day (facing the sun) and some parts are in night (facing away from the sun.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students re-calibrated their Reading Goals by reading for ten minutes, counting the pages and multiplying by 14.
Today we looked at Shakespearean language and the students had a change to trade some Shakespearean insults or flatteries.
Thou art a disgusting, lily-livered maggot-pie.
Thou art an angelic, honey-tongued goddess.
If you were absent be sure to watch the powerpoint on Google Classroom and complete the definitions sheet.
Today we discussed rooming and hotels. You can watch the following slide show to see what we discussed.
Today the students finished predicting where they will be and what they will be doing in ten years. They also looked at what their dreams would be if they won $10 million dollars. They chose a career to research for next class. We also watch the following video about career choices:
*Tomorrow is the SKI TRIP to Table Mountain, leaving at 9 am and returned around 5 pm. Dress appropriately!
The students received their viewing assessments for Chez Mimi Episode two. Many need to actually listen and try, I had several sheets handed in with only one or two and unfortunately sometimes no questions answered.
We then went through our storyboards for the green-screen videos. The students finished planning and had a chance to practice reading aloud with a partner.
Next we discussed choosing Creative Commons images and how to find them.
Finally the students played Silent Ball.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. The students received vocabulary for describing hair, eyes, mouths, noses, and heights. They reviewed the vocabulary for clothing. Then they described Bart Simpson using French sentences.
The students read for ten minutes. Then we started working on vocabulary Lesson One from "Words Make Sense." This term the students will have a vocabulary class on Day 1. We will be continuing our introduction to Romeo and Juliet tomorrow. The prompt writing piece was due last Friday. It is now overdue.
Today we went through expectations and a course outline including the 12 outcomes we will cover. Then we started some mapping skills by examining the 7 continents and 5 oceans.
Today we started our Travel Club sessions by discussing the itinerary and some basic information. The students had a chance to give me a list of questions of things that they want to know.
Today's information included:
1. That there will be NO student drinking as this is a school trip and will be treated just like any other school trip to basketball or volleyball or SADD. So NO student drinking.
2. The weather should be around 20 degrees Celsius in Greece.
The students read for ten minutes and had time to complete their Romeo and Juliet writing task from yesterday. It is now due on Google Classroom. The following people have outstanding assignments, which they should be finishing this weekend:
OUTSIDERS FINAL PROJECT (Due Jan. 23) Ethan, Jarret and Denim
Outsiders Film Analysis (Due Jan. 10) Ethan
The students had time to complete their Romeo and Juliet writing task from yesterday. It is now due on Google Classroom. The following people have outstanding assignments, which they should be finishing this weekend:
OUTSIDERS FINAL PROJECT (Due Jan. 23) Kyra, Xander, Braden, and Quinn
Outsiders Film Analysis (Due Jan. 10) Alexis, Quinn and Allen
Six students were in the Chaise Chaud. We reviewed and practiced how to say where we are going and how we are going.
Example: Je vais en Alberta par auto. (I go to Alberta by car.)
Je au Québec par avion. (I go to Quebec by plane,)
The students then started planning a trip to a Canadian province. Today we storyboarded our script and next class we'll begin finding backgrounds for out green-screening videos.
The students read for ten minutes. We did an introduction to William Shakespeare and his impact on literature. The students then chose one of 11 prompts, which are situations that occur in "Romeo and Juliet." They took the prompt and wrote a one page story about it in first person describing the characters, situation, and resolution. The writing was done on Google Classroom and is due at the end of the day tomorrow.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we listened to a song about various modes of transportation and did a crossword using similar vocabulary. Next we learned the French names for the Canadian provinces and located them on a map.
The students read for ten minutes. They then had a final class to complete their project for "The Outsiders." They also signed out a copy of Romeo and Juliet and returned their copy of "The Outsiders" if they were done their projects. Rough drafts must be turned in and projects posted to Google Classroom:
Missing Projects ELA 9B: Ethan, Jarret, Sharri, Denim, and James
Missing Projects ELA 9A: Kyra, Xander, Zya, Braden, Quinn
The students finished up their profiles and picked out three items that appeared more than once in their chart. We discussed some possible careers based on these items. The students then did an evaluation of how important various values are to them (example: beauty, compassion, money, family, adventure, and so on). The students learned that values don't usually change so they should keep in mind their top five when thinking of a future job. Lastly, the students started to predict (using: where what, how, who, and why) their lives in ten years. We'll finish this up next class and choose a job to research and present.
One student was in the Chaise Chaud. We reviewed how to describe hair, eyes, noes, mouths, and height. We also reviewed clothing vocabulary and described Bart of the Simpsons.
On Monday the students created a poster with information about the event they are running at our Carnaval at UPS on Monday, January 28th.
On Tuesday the students made crêpes to celebrate our last official French class.
Both classes practiced their Chaise Chaud questions before watching Episode 2 of Chez Mimi and doing a summative assessment. If you were absent please see Miss Riddell to get caught up.
On Monday the students read for ten minutes and continued work on their final project for "The Outsiders" which is due Wednesday. Then on Tuesday we corrected vocab lesson 6 and then had our final open book quiz on the vocabulary from lessons 4-6.
The students read for ten minutes and continued work on their final project for "The Outsiders" which is due Wednesday.
Three students (in each class) were in the Chaise Chaud. Then the students did a song analysis of Justin Beiber's Baby. We followed this up with an oral practice describing clothing, hair and eyes of various classmate models.
The students signed up for ingredients for Crêpe making on Tuesday, Janaury 22nd. We also did a lot of work planning for our Winter Carnaval at UPS on Monday, January 28th.
Don't forget:
1 dozen eggs (3) – Lola, Tyrell, Jared,
2 cups of flour (2)- Megan, Makayla
1 cup sugar (2)- Piper, Abby
1 litre milk (2)- Kylie, Aryanna,
1 can of whipped cream (5)- Lauren, Tristan, Brooklyn, Monica,
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then the students did a close activity using music vocabulary. We also listened to a few more songs from different genres.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for ten minutes. Then they had time to continue working on their final projects for "The Outsiders." These are due Wednesday. January 23rd.
*9B - Remember you have need to have completed Vocab lesson 6 as we are correcting and having an open book test on Monday for lessons 4 to 6.
The students did two self-reflections. The first dealt with identifying personal achievements, interests, and characteristics and the people, places, times, or events that helped shape them. Overall we discovered family members, teachers/coaches, and peers were the largest influences and the students felt this would continue beyond grade 8.
The students also did a personal profile of their achievements, interests, skills, ways of being smart, learning styles, characteristics, and things they like to do. We'll use this profile further next class.
The students watched a few more videos about the Quebec Carnaval and are starting to think of ideas for activities for the Carnaval we are planning.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we listened to a song about various modes of transportation and did a crossword using similar vocabulary. Next we learned the French names for the Canadian provinces and located them on a map.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for ten minutes and then continued work on their final projects for "The Outsiders," which will be due Wednesday, January 23rd. You must post your good copy of Songs, reasons, quotes and lyrics PLUS a link to your playlist on Google Classroom OR you must post the link to your Fakebook page on Google Classroom. Everyone should hand in their rough draft/planning sheets.
Today we learned a bit about the history and events at the Quebec Winter Carnaval. We are starting to prepare for putting on a Carnaval at UPS for grades 1 to 3, in the afternoon, on Monday, January 28th.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for ten minutes and then continued work on their final projects for "The Outsiders." Remember if you are posting on Fakebook you need to set up an account following these steps:
The rest of the students finished presenting their fashion shows. The students completed a survey on what they like about French to help me with my Professional Learning. We started to discuss our plans for Crêpes on Tuesday and la Carnaval on the last day of exams at UPS.
The students did two self-reflections. The first dealt with identifying personal achievements, interests, and characteristics and the people, places, times, or events that helped shape them. Overall we discovered family members, teachers/coaches, and peers were the largest influences and the students felt this would continue beyond grade 8.
The students also did a personal profile of their achievements, interests, skills, ways of being smart, learning styles, characteristics, and things they like to do. We'll use this profile further next class.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for 10 minutes. Then they had time to continue working on their final projects for "The Outsiders." Those who are starting their Fakebook pages need to follow these steps to get set-up:
e) this will prompt you for a password and a recovery e-mail (use your livingsky ones)
f) you will get a link, which you must SAVE
g) I suggest you e-mail your link and password to yourself
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. The students completed a close activity about various musical things. We also listened to several songs and identified the titles, singers, and genres.
The class started to present their fashion show. We had a farmer, a volleyball player, and a basketball player among others. We will finish up tomorrow.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed ER verbs and practiced with a sheet using aimer and sometimes paired with écouter (which stays as an infinitive).
J'aime la musique country. (I like country music.)
J'aime écouter à la musique country. (I like to listen to country music.)
Then we listened to a few more songs and identified their titles, singers, and genres.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for ten minutes. Then they had the class to work on planning their final projects for "The Outsiders."
The students had this class to draw up and practice their fashion show information for Monday. Remember each presentation must be 2 minutes long.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed the verb FAIRE. We did a sheet to practice FAIRE and then played a kahoot, which used both JOUER and FAIRE with different sports. Usually sports that are played in English (baseball, volleyball, soccer and so on) are played (jouer) in French. Sports that are done in English (skiing, swimming, horseback riding and so on) are done (faire) in French.
The students read for ten minutes. Then we corrected Vocab Lesson 5 and they had time to complete Lesson 6. Next Day 1 (Monday, January 21st) we will correct Lesson 6 and then do our quiz for lessons 4-6. Remember this is an open book test so make sure your have lessons 4-6 done (parts A, B and C).
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed our ER verbs and did a sheet to practice JOUER. We then played a kahoot.
Have a lovely weekend! Good luck to all our Basketball players!
The students picked partners and are creating a fashion show as themselves or characters. Each person must present their partner in a two minute oral that includes:
where they're from
their job
3 hobbies/skills
physical description
clothing (at least 5 items)
Students may add music, dance, song to liven up their presentation. They will have tomorrow to prepare and we'll start presenting on Monday.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we read an article about Celine Dion in French. Lastly we listened to some songs and students tried to identify the title, the singer and the genre.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for ten minutes. Then they had a chance to decide on which final project they will complete for "The Outsiders." Choices included:
a) Recast the main characters with current teenage actors and then make a new trailer for the movie.
b) Create a soundtrack for the movie using 6 events/characters and choosing songs to portray them. Plus create a playlist on /YouTube of the songs.
c) Choose 6 events and create a "Fakebook" page with posts about those 6 vents and replies from various characters.
*Each choice requires a rough draft and must include 12 quotes from the novel. Quotes can be any lines in the novel, not just those that characters said.
Due date: Friday, January 25th.
Those students who had completed their assigned interview over the holidays had time to work on a Summative Assessment, sharing what they learned. This is due next class so those who weren't prepared need to:
a) do their interview
b) do their assessment on Google Classroom
Students also had time to finish up their Young Workers Readiness Course and the poster about what they learned.
We continued practicing with clothing. Today we did a writing activity and then described a few outfits orally.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed ER verbs before heading to the gym to set-up for the ACTIVATE project.
ELA 9A & 9 B
The students read for 10 minutes and then we finished watching "The Outsiders." The film analysis sheet is due at the start of next class if you did not hand it in today. If you missed part of the film I will replay it on Friday at noon.
We added to our clothing vocabulary with accessories and other terms. Then we had a few people model and we described them. Remember colours come after the clothing item and must agree with its gender and number.
Il porte des chaussettes bleues. (fem & pl)
Il porte une cravate bleue. (fem)
Il porte des jeans bleus. (masc & pl)
Il porte un collier bleu. (masc)
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for ten minutes and then we continued watching "The Outsiders." Welcome to our new student in 9B - Justin Tolentino.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed ER verbs and did some practice conjugating. We finished up by playing a kahoot.
We shared our holiday adventures in French. Then we started to discuss clothing vocabulary as this will be our last theme.
Those students who had completed their assigned interview over the holidays had time to work on a Summative Assessment, sharing what they learned. This is due next class so those who weren't prepared need to:
a) do their interview
b) do their assessment on Google Classroom
Students also had time to finish up their Young Workers Readiness Course and the poster about what they learned.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for ten minutes. Then we watched the first 37 minutes of "The Outsiders." The students are doing a video analysis as we watch so if they were absent they will need to make alternate arrangements to see what they missed.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. We read about Celine Dion and watched a couple of her videos before listening to several songs, where students had to identify the title, the singer, and the genre.