Thursday, June 7, 2018

Thursday, June 7, 2018 (Day 1)

FRENCH 10/20

The students described the rooms and their locations on their house plans in French.  Tomorrow we will label the furniture in the various rooms.


Six students were in the Chaise Chaud describing their clothing.  Then we reviewed ER verbs with a video and a Kahoot.  Then we wrote some sentences using ER verbs to describe a friend.


Six students were in the Chaise Chaud describing their clothing.  Then we added some additional sentences to our list of activities using ER verbs.  Students also had a chance to start drawing the Friend, who they will be creating a poster about.  Please bring your pencil crayons next class.

ELA 9A & 9B

We continued reading "The Hill."  We read from page 34 to part of 69.  You should be adding reasons why Jared and Kyle can't be friends, in the real world, to your sheet.  Please catch up on the reading if you were absent.  Book talks are due tomorrow.  Please get them and any other outstanding summatives completed ASAP.

and $1 for a Banana Split tomorrow at lunch!

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