Thursday, June 14, 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018 (Day 6)


The students created a shot list for the short story that they wrote last class.  This is due next class if  they did not get finished today.  
Overdue Summatives are due Monday and include:
Track & Field Poster in Word - Mackenzie
Name Program - Mackenzie
Privacy & Security Plan in Word - Mackenzie
Production Processes Summative - Ethan

FRENCH 10/20

The students reviewed verbs used in a restaurant setting:
Vouloir - Je veux un sandwich.  (I want a sandwich.)
Commander - Il commande du café. (He orders dome coffee.)
Attendre - Nous attendons le menu.  (We wait for the menu.)
Prendre - Vous prenez de la pizza. (You (pl) take/have/order some pizza.)
Choisir - Tu choisis du jus d'orange. (You (s) choose/want/order some orange juice.)
Désirer - Elles désire des desserts.  (They (f) desire/want some desserts.)

We also started to discuss future tense.
You need the verb ALLER (to go) and an infinitive.
Example:  Je vais manger un hamburger.  (I am going to eat a hamburger.)
                 Tu vas choisir du thé?  (You (s) are going to choose/order some tea?)
                 Il ne va pas boire du lait. (He isn't going to drink some milk.)
                 Nous allons commander du biftek.  (We are going to order some steak.)
                 Vous allez prendre un sandwich.  (You (pl) are going to order a sandwich.)
                  Elles vont aller au restaurant.  (They (f) are going to go to the restaurant.)


We continued reading "The Hill"  from page 203-232.  The students added information about the main characters to their notes as we have discovered more about Kyle and Jared's family situations.

Missing Summative Assessements:

Romeo & Juliet Pre-Writing GC - due March 12th - Austin, Ashton S.

R&J Act 1 Film Comparison paragraph - due March 29th - Austin, Ashton S.

R&J Act 2 Film Comparison paragraph - due April 20th -  Austin

R&J Act 3 Film Comparison paragraph - due May 2nd - Austin, Ashton S.

R&J Act 4&5 Film Comparison paragraph GC - due May 22nd - Austin

R&J Final Essay GC (but must hand in a printed copy and the planning sheet) - due May 29th - Kaylie J, Ashton S, Jessica, Austin, Pierce

Book Talk (Poster e-mail to me & planning sheet hand in) - due June 8th - Austin, Torrence, Kaylie J, Ashton S, Averie


We continued reading "The Hill"  from page 203-232.  The students added information about the main characters to their notes as we have discovered more about Kyle and Jared's family situations.

Missing Summative Assessements:

R&J Act 3 Film Comparison paragraph - due May 2nd - Micheal, Trevor, Miquiella

R&J Act 4&5 Film Comparison paragraph GC - due May 22nd - Trevor

R&J Final Essay GC (but must hand in a printed copy and the planning sheet) - due May 29th - Preston, Miquiella, Micheal

Book Talk (Poster e-mail to me & planning sheet hand in) - due June 8th - Micheal, Zion, Trevor, Miquiella


The students had this class to finish up their Mon Ami/Amie posters.  Posters need:
  • a picture
  • description - face shape, eyes, nose, mouth, hair (colour, length and style)
  • 4 clothing sentences with colours
  • 3 sentences about what they like or like to do
If you were absent today ( or didn't finish - Tristin) you need to be in my room Monday at lunch.

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