The students continued working on their Spreadsheet Summative assignment. They will have tomorrow's class to finish this up.
The students silent read and then had time to work on their Passion Projects. *Alexis has yet to present her Planning Poster. The students then worked on improving their Essential Questions. Tomorrow they will finish the sheet and blog about their improved Essential Question.
The students silent read, and three students presented their Planning Posters. *Shaun and Logan have yet to present. The students then worked on improving their Essential Questions. Tomorrow they will finish the sheet and blog about their improved Essential Question.
French 10/20/30
We reviewed numbers from 1-1000 and discussed how to make larger numbers. Then we discussed "nos mères" and wrote a paragraph about them including: name, age, birthday, work, hair, eyes, and likes.
French 8B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. We watched a review of passe compose and went through the formative sheets from last class. We did one more practice sheet before our quiz on Friday, February 3rd.
*FRUIT SALE #2 starts today and orders will be due February 14th. This fundraising supports many of the activities our students participate in so it is important that every student fills a couple of orders. Cheques are to be made out to: UCHS Special Services. Incentives for students, houses, and classes will be announced in the mornings so listen for them.
The students did another short practice activity with spreadsheets and then started on their Summative Spreadsheet Assignment, which we will finish tomorrow.
French 7B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then the students finished up shooting with the greenscreen. If you did not get all your filming done please do so before, or after school, or at noon in the library, BEFORE Thursday's class.
The students reviewed how to correctly record their reading in their reading log and started a new one. The students then had time to work on their Passion Projects. If you have not presented your poster yet, please be ready for tomorrow.
FRENCH 10/20/30
As a class we went through expectations and the pink summative assessment sheet, both of which can be found on my UCHS website. The students also filled out a getting to know you sheet and we started discussing our family members in French.
The students reviewed how to correctly record their reading in their reading log and started a new one. The students then continued presenting on their Passion Projects. We have three more presentations next class (please have your posters ready).
Today we worked with some different formulae in Spreadsheets. To copy a formula down a column or across a row highlight and push control+D to fill the formula down or across.
Remember if you get an error or a #VALUE! message you either have left out part of the formula or are most likely using a cell with a word in it or a number with spaces in it.
*Zion you owe me 2 summative assessments: Security/Privacy Plan & Security/Privacy Plan using Microsoft Word skills.
French 7A
Today was our last class as Mrs. Nett will be teaching this class for Term 2 & French 8A. We had four people in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed conjugating "er" verbs. Next we did a short practice sheet and then we wrote some sentences about a friend and ourselves using "er" verbs to compare them to us.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students silent read and then we started presentations on Passion Projects. Students met a presentation and a writing outcome by presenting their posters about their Passion Project. The students also met a viewing outcome as they had to reflect on two presentations that they viewed.
*On Monday we will continue with presentations by Shaun, Eric, Logan, Sam and Austin. Make sure your posters are done and ready to go period 2 (9B) and period 5 (9A).
*I am still missing summative assessments from Rachel, Alexis, Shaun, Eric, Logan and Madison.
*Kailey J & Averie need to see me tomorrow to hand in and present their French Musician posters.
The students had time to silent read during each class as we had double English today. The students then had time to work on their planning posters and time to practice presenting. They will be presenting tomorrow to meet a representing outcome. Posters should include the following, to meet a writing outcome, and should show off some of their skills with Microsoft Word.
Computers 8
Today we started a spreadsheet about a team. If you were absent please go to Google Classroom and follow the instructions posted there on GO TEAM Spreadsheet assignment.
*Students in grades 7, 8 and 9 should be studying for the finals they are writing on Friday!
Today the students silent read, and then we watched a video and discussed Essential Questions.
The students then had time to work on planning a presentation, which will be presented on Thursday, January 26. Below is the planning sheet (see Miss Riddell for a copy if you were absent):
Essential Question: Ask a question that describes the need for your
project. What are you trying to
discover with your project and why? This question should not be easily
googled to find the answer.
Question: What is cancer?
Question: "What plan could you develop
that would reduce your likelihood of developing cancer?"
More examples:
• Why is the concept of cloning human
beings controversial? • What invention of the 20th Century has had the greatest impact?
Why was _________ the greatest home run hitter in baseball history?
• Which credit card is best for me?
What plan could I develop to reduce the impact of zebra mussels on the Great
Lakes ecosystem?
• What plan could I use to prepare for a 5K
Aims: Aims describe the overall changes and benefits that
you want to achieve.
Outcomes: Outcomes lay out the specific differences that
you want to make to yourself, the school, the community, the world. What
skills will you learn?
Outputs: Outputs describe the activities, services, and final
product that your project will deliver.
Inputs: Inputs describe what you need to deliver your
project. This may include a budget if you need to purchase supplies.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring and evaluation describes what
information you are going to collect throughout the project, how you will
collect the information, how often you will collect/reflect on the
information, and how you will evaluate the information to decide whether
or not the project was a success.
The students filled out a matchmaker survey. The results will be available for purchase in February. Then we watched 2 short videos on Spreadsheets and did a couple of practice activities using Google Sheets.
French 7B
The students had this class to continue filming their greenscreen shots for their Mon Voyage videos. We'll have one more class for greenscreening before we assemble our videos.
French 8B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. We discussed the "RE" verb sheet (formative) and then watched a video, and played a Kahoot to review passé composé. The students started a sheet with all 3 regular verb types "er", "ir", and "re" in passé composé. Remember:
b) AVOIR - conjugate
c) VERB - put into past participle
d) NEGATIVE - put the NE___PAS around the AVOIR
example: Present tense - Je finis mes devoirs. (I finish my homework.)
Passé composé - J'ai fini mes devoirs. (I finished my homework.)
ELA 9A & 9B
The students started with 10 minutes of silent reading and then continued working on their Passion Projects. Students should have 3 posts (minimum) on their blogs:
a) introduction to their project
b) 3 or more sources of information
c) a plan for their project.
This class we finished up our last Chaise Chaud questions. Then we went to the library where students had time to work on their Musician posters. Some students had time to present as well. Next term Mrs. Nett will be teaching this class so this was our last class for this term. However, we did not finish everyone's posters and presentations. Posters need to be completed and handed in by Monday. Miss Riddell will track down everyone for presentations sometime next week.
French 7A
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. The class reviewed the steps for conjugating "er" verbes.
a) Look at the PRONOUN.
b) Find the ROOT by removing the "ER".
c) Add the correct ending.
Je____e Nous ____ ons
Tu ___ es Vous ____ ez
Il ____e Ils _____ ent
Elle __ e Elles ____ ent
On ___ e
We corrected numbers 16-20 on our sheet and finished # 21-25 and handed them in as a formative assessement. If you were absent this is homework. We also watched the following video and played a Kahoot. *Thanks to everyone for getting their videos finished!
French 8B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud for our new questions. Next we reviewed the steps to make a verb passé compose:
a) Look at the PRONOUN
b) Add the correct form of AVOIR
c) Find the PAST PARTICIPLE of the VERB
ER - jouer -> remove the "er" and add "é" --> joué
IR - finir -> remove the "ir" and add "i" --> fini
RE - attendre -> remove the "re" and add "u" --> attendu
* Watch out for irregular verbs.
We went through some common irregular verbs and then the students did a sheet which was handed in. We finished up the class by playing a Kahoot to practice.
French 7B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed steps to greenscreen using the Doink app. Then students finished up their storyboards and greenscreened. We will continue with this activity next class. *Remember NOT to WEAR GREEN.
The students silent read and then continued work on their Passion Projects. Several students also finished up their Reading Logs and Reading Questionnaires. You can find links to the student's project blogs on the side of my blog.
The students finished up their reading logs/reading questionnaires or silent read and then worked on their Passion Projects. You can find links to the student's project blogs on the side of my blog.
We went down to the gym for the end of class to cheer on the Junior Boys Basketball team.
*Today was the deadline for Summative Assessments. However, if you are not finished these assignments that does not mean they are no longer due. It does mean they may not appear on your report card and you may receive an IE. Room 103 will continue to be open at lunch.
*Today grade 7, 8, and 9 students received a schedule of the exams they will be writing on Friday of next week. If you were absent check with the office on Monday for your schedule.
*ALL SUMMATIVE assessments are due by 3:15 tomorrow or IE's (insufficient evidence) may appear on Report Cards and extra curricular activities may be at stake for those students.
Computers 8
The students did a summative task using Microsoft Word. They took their security/privacy plan and showed their skills by adding colours, pictures, bullets, headings ad so on. Anyone with outstanding Summative tasks needs to have them in by the end of the day tomorrow. This includes: the Final Searching Assignment, the Security/Privacy plan, the Word version of the Security/Privacy plan.
French 8A
Five students were in the Chaise Chaud before we headed to the library. The students had the rest of the class to work on their poster about a musician or musical group. These posters will need to be done by the end of next class.
French 8B
The class went over new Chaise Chaud questions about leur professeur de francais. :) The students then reviewed passe compose with the following notes.
Finally students wrote 5 sentences (on Part III of their RE sheet from last class) using regular "re" verbs such as vendre, descendre, perdre, entendre, rendre, et attendre. Three sentences need to be positive and 2 negative. If you were absent please do for next class (tomorrow).
The students silent read and then updated their Reading Logs. I still need Taylor, Brandon, Tyson, Wyatt & Ryan to finish doing their reading logs and Tessa needs to complete her reading questionnaire for tomorrow. Students then had time to work in their Passion Projects.
French 7A
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. The students then reviewed conjugating "er" verbs and practiced this. They need to be done to question 21 for next class.
1. Look at the PRONOUN
2. Find the verbs ROOT by removing the ER
3. Add the correct ENDING
***Ethan, Jarrett, and Jax need to get their SUMMATIVE Mon Voyage videos finished and handed in by 3:15 tomorrow.
*THANKS to all the grade 8's who brought yummy desserts for TELEMIRACLE.
Today the students did two activities to practice using Microsoft Word. Next day students will begin a Summative activity.
The students silent read and then completed a reading questionnaire and updated their Reading Logs on Google Classroom. They then had time to work on their Passion Projects.
*Shaun, Eric, Logan, Tristan, Ryelee, Sam, and Madison owe me summative assignments which are due Friday, January 20th so they do not receive any IE on their report cards.
French 7A
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. The students had a pop quiz on pronouns. Students should have the pronouns memorized by this point. If they did not achieve a 3 on their quiz they need to memorize.
We then watched a video on "er" verbes and started practicing conjugating "er" verbs.
Three Rules for Conjugating ER Verbs
1. Find the pronoun
2. Find the root (take off the er)
3. Add the correct ending.
JE _____ E NOUS _____ ONS
TU _____ ES VOUS ______ EZ
IL ______ E ILS ______ENT
ELLE _____ E ELLES _____ ENT
ON ______ E
The students silent read and then completed a reading questionnaire and updated their Reading Logs on Google Classroom. If you were absent please do this ASAP. They then had time to work on their Passion Projects.
*Rachel, Alexis, and Taylor owe me summative assignments which are due Friday, January 20th so they do not receive any IE on their report cards.
*Grades 8's are having their DESSERT AUCTION for TELEMIRACLE tomorrow at lunch. Desserts should be in the Home Ec lab by 9:00 am.
The students silent read and then we reviewed the information that they should have included in their Welcome Blog post. They then had a chance to edit and update this blog post. We also discussed how students must have at least 3 good sources of information on their project, which may include but are not limited to: websites, videos, blogs, Twitter feeds, and so on. The students watched a quick video on RRS feeds and were encouraged to utilize this feature on their blog.
We also discussed how their projects should be planned out, including step by step directions about what they plan to do to get to their final project.
*Students were reminded that if they have IE on their report cards they will be unable to participate in extra curricular activities until these outcomes are met. This includes having their Reading Logs posted on Google Classroom by Friday.
*Lunchtimes are to be spent in Room 103 working on Outsiders projects if this project is still incomplete.
Last day the students spent a class discovering various functions of Microsoft Word and today we went through those various functions together. The students then had 10 minutes to experiment and create a document and attach it to Google Classroom. Next class they will begin their Summative assessment on Microsoft Word.
The following people owe me a video, which was due Jan. 10th: Kendra, Ethan, Jarrett, Jax & Braden W. Get them into me before Friday or you will receive an IE on your Report Card. *GRADE 8's remember you need a dessert for the TELEMIRACLE DESSERT AUCTION at school by 9am Thursday, January 19th. Don't forget!
The students silent read, had time to research their Passion Project and then blog about what they have discovered so far.
The students silent read. Those who were absent on Friday set up their blogs for their Passion Projects and added a first entry about their project which includes:
What is their project about?
What question they are answering?
What they are planning to do?
What will their final product be?
Why they are passionate about this topic?
and any other information that they wished to include.
Everyone who already had their blog set up had time to research.
*Today was an early dismissal day so all classes were shortened by 10 minutes.
*The following students still have summative assignments, which MUST be completed by Friday, January 20th: Rachel, Alexis, Taylor. Shaun, Eric, Tristan, Logan, Ryelee, Sam, and Madison
*Noon hours are set aside in room 103 to work on these if students are not done.
* Grade 8 students need a dessert for the TELEMIRACLE DESSERT AUCTION by 9am Thursday, January 19th. Thanks!
The students did an assignment, which showed their knowledge of Microsoft Word. The assignment is in Google Classroom but should be done in WORD and then attached to the Google Classroom assignment and turned in. If you were absent please have done for next class.
French 7B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we went over our Mon Voyage plans. The students had time to start finding their background pictures.
French 8B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we reviewed "IR" verbs in passe compose and they received their formative assessments back. Next we discussed "RE" verbs and irregular verbs and they finished a practice sheet.
The students silent read. Then we caught up creating blogs for those who were absent yesterday and everyone had time to start researching their passion project. We will be working with computers for the next 2 weeks (at least) and if students plan to watch videos as part of their research then they need to have headphones in class.
The students silent read and then we set-up the blogs for their Passion Projects. The students used Blogger and their site should be titles Students were encouraged to think about comments moderation and are allowed to adjust their templates. Then everyone did a first post about their project:
What is their project about?
What question they are answering?
What they are planning to do?
What will their final product be?
Why they are passionate about this topic?
and any other information that they wished to include.
*Outstanding Outsiders projects should be done ASAP. If they are not done to hand in on Monday at 9 am be prepared to be in the Homework (103) room at lunch.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. We continued planning our poster on a favourite musician or group. If you were absent today see Miss Riddell for your outline before next class (Thurs. Jan. 19th). We are getting close to end of term so you may have some homework.
French 7A
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. We had a pop quiz on pronouns. Then we began learning about "er" verbs.
French 8B
Four students were in the Chaise Chaud. We practiced passe compose with "IR" verbs. If you were absent watch the video below and finish your sheet. Part III must have 2 negative and 3 positive sentences. Be prepared to hand it your sheet in.
We also started watching this video about passe compose, which started to explain all the irregular verbs.
French 7B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then we brainstormed various activities that the students might do on a trip and started planning for our green-screening project.
The students silent read and then we set-up the blogs for their Passion Projects. The students used Blogger and their site should be titles Students were encouraged to think about comments moderation and are allowed to adjust their templates. Then everyone did a first post about their project:
What is their project about?
What question they are answering?
What they are planning to do?
What will their final product be?
Why they are passionate about this topic?
and any other information that they wished to include.
This class had a presenter on finance for Careers with Ms. Weber.
*Tonight is the last chance to see the fabulous "Little Shop of Horrors" and get a yummy dessert. Show starts at 7 pm. See you there!
*Tomorrow is Jersey/Hat Day for Telemiracle. Bring a $1 to wear one or a $2 to wear both and raise money for a great cause.
Today was the student's last day to work on their Security/Privacy plan. If it is not done it must be finished on your own time.
French 8A
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. We discussed the song analysis, and comparison and description assignments were returned to help in planning the final summative task a poster on a favourite musician or band. We will finish planning and start work on the posters next class.
French 7A
After the musical we had time to watch the finished Mon Voyage videos and play the number card game. If you are not done your video please get it done ASAP.
Little Shop of Horrors
The school had a chance to see our musical, after months of preparation and hard work. Congratulations to everyone involved. It was great!
We will be performing for the public tonight and tomorrow at 7:00 pm. I hope to see you there!
The students had this class to work on their Security Plans. They will have a bit more time to finish up this assignment.
The students silent read and then continued brainstorming ideas for their Inquiry/Genius Hour/20% Project. They had time to choose a partner if they wished to work in a pair. They also had a second class to flesh out their plan. We also discussed setting-up a blog to record their work and linking it to their website.
*I still need website permission forms from: Sam, Shaun & Eric
French 7A
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. The students then had this last class to edit their videos. Those that were finished started working on some sports vocabulary sheets. If you were absent or did not finish you must now complete this on your own time (at lunch or after-school) and bring me your iPad and your planning copy when you are done.
The students silent read and then continued brainstorming ideas for their Inquiry/Genius Hour/20% Project. They had time to choose a partner if they wished to work in a pair. They also fleshed out their projects.
*I still need website permission forms from: Wyatt, Lilleanne, Seth, Tyson, Ryan, Alexis & Rachel
*Anyone still owing me their project for The Outsiders needs to have a lunch and be working in Room 103 at noons until done.
The students reviewed their Jot notes on privacy and then started working on a Security Plan for their use of computers, devices, and various websites and Social Media sites. The students will have 2 more classes to work on this document and it will be due Wednesday.
ELA 9A &9B
The students silent read and then we discussed how a Genius Hour / 20% Project / Inquiry Project would work and brainstormed some ideas for topics. Students should have a topic chosen by the end of tomorrow's class.
*If you are not done your Outsiders project you should have a lunch and be in room 103 at noon hours until it is complete. That goes for any other outstanding summative assignments, such as The Remembrance Day poem and The Orange Shirt Day story.
*Today was an alternate day with shorter classes as we ended with a TeleMiracle kick-off involving all 3 Unity schools.
*Lunch time learning lab to catch up summative assignments started today and will continue this week and next.
*Our school musical "Little Shop of Horrors" has performances on Wednesday and Thursday evening at 7 pm this week. Thursday has a dessert included.
The students silent read, updated their reading logs, and continued work on designing their websites.
* Anyone not done their OUTSIDERS PROJECT or other missing assignments is in detention at noon next week unless you hand in a finished product by 9:00 am to me.
Currently the following students have outstanding assignments:
9A - Rachel. Lilleanne, Alexis, Seth, Taylor, Isaak
9B - Shaun, Eric, Tristan, Logan, Ryelee, Sam, Madison
Today we discussed the privacy jot notes from before the break. If you did not finish your notes please finish them up. We also started working on answering some questions about privacy. These questions will be due at the end of class on Monday, January 9th.
French 7B
The students completed some new Chaise Chaud questions on Mon Maison. Then we reviewed some terms for taking a trip.
French 8B
Five students were in the Chaise Chaud. Then the students continued learning about passé composé
using the verb AVOIR as a helper verb. We practiced using some regular er verbs.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students silent read and continued working on their websites - adding new pages for each subject area.
The students practiced a new Chaise Chaud on La Musique and three students were in the hot seat. The class then discussed how to do a song analysis and analyzed a Justin Beiber song. Please do this if you were absent and hand in for formative assessment as soon as possible.
French 7A
The students went through new Chaise Chaud questions on Ton Ecole. Then the students had time to edit their green screen videos in iMovie. If you are not done filming all of your clips then you need to either create them with Pic Collage or use a green screen at lunch or after school before next class (Tuesday, January 10th.) We will finish editing on Jan. 10th and then videos will be due that class.
French 8B
Five students were in the Chaise Chaud for questions about Le Noel. Then the students reviewed the verb avoir in preparation for learning basic passé composé forms.
Passe compose is made up of a helper verb (avoir) and a past participle.
ex: Je mange. (I eat.)
J'ai mangé. (I have eaten. or I ate.)
French 7B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. The students then watched Aventure Sur la Rue and summarized the storyline in English.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students had time to sign out a new book, read, and then worked on their portfolio websites for the next set of Student Led Conferences.
*Any outstanding assignments are due Friday and if not done by Friday then next week students should bring their lunch and be prepared to spend time working at lunch until they are finished.