Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday, Spetember 13, 2016 - Day 2

Loved everyone who rocked their plaid today!

Tomorrow is School Picture Day!  Remember NO green!

* Please bring some food for the Food Bank and earn points for your house.  Collection bins are in the front foyer.


French 8A

The students discussed the seasons and special weather, food, sports and celebrations associated with each.  They also reviewed weather terms. Students did a great job answering "Quand est ton anniversaire?"

French 7A

The students discussed the seasons and special weather, food, sports and celebrations associated with each.  They also reviewed weather terms. Students did a great job answering "Quand est ton anniversaire?"

French 8B

The students practiced questions such as "Quel est ton animal/sport/couleur/nourriture prefere(e)?"  Then we discussed vocabulary for different meals and times of day.  We also reviewed the question words and then each student asked me a question.

French 7B

This class finished up the number notes from 60 to 1,000,000,000.  Students need to memorize the numbers on their sheet and then they should be able to make most numbers in French.  We also played part of a Kahoot to practice but due to slow Internet we'll have to try this again another class.


The students read for 10 minutes.  Then we watched two trailers for "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" and three video adaptations.  Students needed to analyze what they watched and pick a favourite from each type and state why they chose it.  Consideration of characters, plot, setting, music, and style should all be taken into consideration.  If you were absent get the sheet from Miss Riddell and you can watch the videos below:
Trailer #1

Trailer #2
Video #1

Video #2
Video #3
* Remember to finish up your Identity paragraph on Google Classroom and your "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" questions if you have not handed them in already.


The students tallied their week's reading pages and over half found they need to read more, at least 20 minutes, a day to reach their goal.   They then got 10 minutes of reading time to work towards this week's goal.  We then finished reading the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter and did 5 response questions to the reading.  If you were absent see Miss Riddell for the story and the questions.
* Remember to finish up your Identity paragraph on Google Classroom and your "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" questions if you have not handed them in already.

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