ELA 9A & 9B
We reviewed what happened in the first two chapters of "The Hill" and read as follows - ELA 9A p -34 - 68 and ELA 9B p -35 - 71. If you were absent please get the reading done before tomorrow's class. Remember the final will be partially based on this novel.
Overdue Assignments:
The Outsiders Final Project (due Jan 23) - Jarret
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due Apr 12) - Kyra
Book Talks (due June 5) - Kyra, Kerrigna, Kendra, Braedon, Jesse, Maryana, Alexis, Colbey, Mercedez, Kayden, Hunter, Zya, Braden, John Paul, Pearson, Jax, Ralf, Dallan, Jarret, Danae, Sharri, Denim
The students practiced their Reader's Theatre and will perform tomorrow. We also discussed what Pages are and what their responsibilities are in the House of Commons in Ottawa. We also started to look at different levels of government and their responsibilities.
The students had ten minutes to review and then they wrote their exam on body parts and monsters. Then everyone chose a partner and a famous landmark in Paris, which they are going to create a poster about. If you were absent be prepared to write at lunch tomorrow.
The students had the class to finish their slideshow on a Famous French Canadians. They should include a title slide with their name, your name, and a picture and a slide for each question asked on the planning sheet with the answer and a picture. Some students had time to work on Careers as well. Resumes are now overdue (due May 27)
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