Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019 (Day 2)


Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students went through the corrections on their Diavlo sentences.  Then they received a sheet on which to design their own monster.  Each monster must have at least 10 body parts.  When the monsters are complete students are to write ten sentences describing their body parts and three sentences describing things they do.  Finally the monsters need to be coloured, which we'll finish up next class.


Today we discussed Globalization and its affects on 
a) the environment
b) culture
c) technology
by reading pages 48-54.
The students then did a chart on what they had learned about Globalization and Trade, the Environment, and Culture. Information and pros and cons for each topic. We will finish this up on Monday.
* If you were absent the chart to fill in is available on Google Classroom if you'd like to get started.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Today they wrapped up their Inquiry by typing three good paragraphs answering their Essential Question.  They did this in a final post.  Those finished early had time to work on other homework.  On Monday the students will start presenting their information in short oral presentations to the class.

Overdue ELA Assignments:
The Outsiders (due Jan 23) - Jarret
Romeo & Juliet Essay (due April 12) - Kyra, Mercedez, Quinn, Braden, Xander, Dallan
Character Description (due April 17) - Kyra, Kerrigan, Braedon, Quinn, Allen, Xander, Mercedez, Kaylee, Ashton, Jarret, Sharri, Aiden


Today we reviewed parts of a resume and the students chose a format for their Resume from the templates in Google Docs.  They typed out their resume and attached it to the Google Classroom.

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