The students had five minutes to review and then they wrote their exam. If you were gone for Track and Field make plans to write your exam at a noon or during Warrior Time.
Students continued work on designing their Perfect Country. They need to include ideas about:
Families Economy
Religion Sports
Architecture Media
Celebrities Type of Government
Arts & Music Laws & Punishment
They should also think about the principles of: Equality, Justice and Freedom
*Posters should be pretty and use attractive headings and pictures when all the information is included.
ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for ten minutes and signed out a copy of "The Hill" from Mrs. L'Heureux. Next they designed a cover for their novel using PicCollage on the iPads. Each cover needs to include a title, the author, a picture and a background. Once done e-mail to Miss Riddell and she will print it for you. Finally students had time to plan out a Book Talk on their novel. A planning sheet is located on Google Classroom if you didn't grab one last class.
The students did three surveys on the type of volunteer and volunteering they would be suited for and then took screen shots of their results to post to Google Classroom. They also made a list of 5 things they could volunteer at now or in the future. Anyone who got done early had time to work on their resume. The following resumes are now overdue:
Gracen, Raegan, Ryder, Parker, Nic, McKenzie, Wesley, Tanner, Taelyn, Layne, Weston, Alyssa, Carter, Dahlia, Vinson, Adam, Daylan, Tyeisha, Tristin, Kristina, Shea, Kristen, Addison, Kelsey, Owen, Brayden, Logan, Denise, Bronson, Ashlyn, Kaden, Charlie, Kyle, Jaydon