ELA 9A & 9B
The students read for ten minutes. Then they completed an opinion questionnaire on some themes, situations found in Romeo and Juliet.
Example: Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
Are love stories better when you know the lovers are doomed? Why or why not?
Then we discussed the students opinions.
*You must have your own copy of Romeo and Juliet for next class.
*Please return your copy of "The Outsiders" to the library if you are done with it.
9A - Film Analysis - Allen
Outsiders Final Project - Kyra, Braden, Quinn
R & J Prompt Writing - Kyra, Alexis, Allen, Kerrigan, Kendra, Quinn, KAyden, Xander, Braden
9B - Film Analysis - Ethan
Outsiders Final Project - Ethan, Jarret, Denim
R & J Prompt Writing - Raicky, Pearson, Ashton, Ethan, Sharri, Denim, Justin
The class reviewed some key map terms and information on latitude and longitude. They did a short review activity. Then they used Google Earth to locate and identify some countries and some bodies of water based on their latitude and longitude coordinates.
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud. We practiced using our provincial and transportation vocabulary orally. Then students planned a trip to a province that they are going to create with the green-screen.
Today we watched some videos about Greece including some of the places we will visit, Greek Gods, and some useful Greek phrases. Here is a playlist of the videos we watched. Note the first one does include the islands, which we will not be going to.Greece Playlist
Five students were in the Chaise Chaud. We practiced describing Lisa Simpsons' clothing an students wrote out descriptions for Marge and Homer, which were then handed in as a formative assessment. We added some extra clothing vocabulary with a crossword puzzle. Two students modeled for us and then the students received their report cards.
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