Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday, March 3, 2017 - Day 2

Computers 8

Today the students wrote a short (7-9 sentence) story, which will be turned into a storyboard.

Some possible story ideas, pick only one: 
1. Come up with an original short fictional story 
2. Tell a short story about a news event that you were a part of or experienced firsthand 
3. Tell a short story about a person or character of interest
4. Take a favorite story and summarize it 
5. Think of the next Hollywood blockbuster movie and summarize the plot 
6. Come up with a music video concept, with an underlying story 
(*remember you only need to pick one of the above story ideas) 

• Read the following two examples of original fictional short stories. These examples will give you an idea of the kind of story you need to create. 

Vegas Blues Joe
Vegas Blues Joe is a cheating slot machine player who wins big on a trip to Vegas. Unknowing to Joe he is secretly followed back to his home in New York by the FBI. One of the officers investigating Joe blackmails him for half of his winnings. Both men get busted and end up in jail. All of the money goes missing and mysteriously ends up delivered to an orphanage where it is believed to be the anonymous gift they had been praying for. 

Monkey See Monkey Do
It is the second half of the final soccer game of the season for the Bears. They are tied with the Ducks 4-4. The Goalie gets injured and the only option is for them to send in their mascot a monkey named Pete. Pete blocks several shots with his super tail. In the final seconds Pete takes the ball all the way to the other side of the field and miraculously scores the winning goal in the last second with his super tail doing the famous bicycle flip. The Bears win the championship and Pete is given the MVP. 

• The biggest mistake students make on this assignment is to describe too many details, characters, events or actions. 
• Your story not only needs to be very brief but it also needs to be creative and interesting. 
• Try to write a short story which can be told visually in about fifteen slides or visuals. 
• Make sure you type your short story in a document in Google Classroom 
• Your story should be one paragraph and contain around 7-9 sentences and also have a title 
• Once you have completed your story turn it in so Miss Riddell


The students silent read and then we continued watching the "first Act" of West Side Story.
Afterwards we discussed this version of Romeo and Juliet.

French 7B
Two students were in the Chaise Chaud and then we continued our introduction of "ir" verbes.  The students practiced using this new verb family.  Everyone came and caught up on their tests and videos today, YEAH!!

French 10/20/30

The students practiced passe compose by playing 2 Kahoots, then they discussed what they did last night in passe compose.  Then they had time to work on planning their videos for a trip they have taken or a trip they wished they had taken.


The students silent read and then we continued watching the Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet and discussed it.  Then the students then started watching the Baz Lurhmann version.

*Good luck to everyone involved in this weekend's PINK Basketball Tournament.

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