Computers 8 Red
The students did their summative searching assignment today on Google Classroom. If you did not finish please do so and submit before next class.
The students practiced their poems for Music Festival. They finished reading Act 3, Scene 1, did the questions and corrected them. Then they read Act 3, Scene 2, did the questions and corrected them.
The class practiced our poems for Music Festival. Then the students corrected their questions on Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 2 and we read almost all of Act 3, Scene 3.French 10/20/30
We practiced our poems for Music Festival. Today we watched Episode 6 of Extra en Francais. If you were absent please watch and fill out the sheet I e-mailed to you.
French 8B
The students continued discussing using passe compose with ETRE. Today they learned that there are endings to agree with the pronouns.
JE - if a girl then add an extra E, if you don't know (E)
TU - if a girl then add an extra E, if you don't know (E)
IL - don't add anything
ELLE - always add an extra E
NOUS - always add an extra ES
VOUS - if a girl then add an extra E, if you don't know (E) and always add an extra S
ILS - always add an extra S
ELLES - always add an extra ES
We also played a kahoot to practice.
MONDAY there will be special bell times due to a presentation by Duane Peace:
8:55 – warning bell
9:00 – 12:00 – All students will be in the senior gym for presentation
12:00 – Lunch begins – Monday Gr. 10 Group will meet in Kyle Clark’s room for the afternoon session)
12:42 – warning bell
12:45 – 1:33 – Period 4
1:36 – 2:24 – Period 5
2:27 – 3:15 – Period 6