Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday, March 31, 2017 - Day 3

Computers 8 Red

The students did their summative searching assignment today on Google Classroom.  If you did not finish please do so and submit before next class.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival. They finished reading Act 3, Scene 1, did the questions and corrected them.  Then they read Act 3, Scene 2, did the questions and corrected them.


The class practiced our poems for Music Festival. Then the students corrected their questions on Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 2 and we read almost all of Act 3, Scene 3.

French 10/20/30

We practiced our poems for Music Festival.  Today we watched Episode 6 of Extra en Francais.  If you were absent please watch and fill out the sheet I e-mailed to you.

French 8B

The students continued discussing using passe compose with ETRE.  Today they learned that there are endings to agree with the pronouns.

JE - if a girl then add an extra E, if you don't know (E)
TU - if a girl then add an extra E, if you don't know (E)
IL - don't add anything
ELLE  - always add an extra E
NOUS - always add an extra ES
VOUS -  if a girl then add an extra E, if you don't know (E) and always add an extra S
ILS - always add an extra S
ELLES - always add an extra ES

We also played a kahoot to practice.

MONDAY there will be special bell times due to a presentation by Duane Peace:

8:55 – warning bell

9:00 – 12:00 – All students will be in the senior gym for presentation

12:00 – Lunch begins – Monday Gr. 10 Group will meet in Kyle Clark’s room for the afternoon session)

12:42 – warning bell

12:45 – 1:33 – Period 4

1:36 – 2:24 – Period 5

2:27 – 3:15 – Period 6

Thursday, March 30, 2017 - Day 2

Computers 8 Red

The students did a final mini search and on Friday will be doing their summative assignment for this outcome.


The students had a presentation from Alec Couros and only had time to practice their poems for Music Festival today.  

French 10/20/30

The students practiced their poems for Music Festival and continued on with their research on an Endangered Animal.  If you were absent on Wednesday I e-mailed you a list of useful vocabulary for the topic.  Please let me know what animal you have chosen.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival and then read most of Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 1.

French 7B

The students had a presentation by Dr. Alec Couros during French class.  Below is a video of a similar talk given by Dr. Couros.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 - Day 1

Computers 8 Red

Today the students went through the answers for their Mini Searches #2 an #3.  They have to make sure they present their answers in the following format:
1    1. Search term
a)     url they went to
b)    answer they found or didn’t find
REPEAT these steps as many times as necessary
       2. Verification search term
a)     url they went to
          b) answer they found

We also discussed various Search Engines and the features that are found in them.  Mini search #4 is now due.  Next class students will do one more Mini search before we do our Summative Searching activity.

French 7B

The students wrote their "re" verb quiz today.  Then we planned out and started a verb cartoon, which they will finish next class, which will be Tuesday, April 4th.
      1. Choose a character
      2. Think of a story, include 6 things/events in your story
3    3. Each event must be written in a sentence using an er, ir or re verb (that we learned in class – use your sheets).  Write in French.
      4.You must use at least one er, one ir, and one re verb in your story.
      5. Story must be illustrated, stickmen are okay, but add details and backgrounds.         Colour your story.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Then we started reading Romeo and Juliet Act 3.  Today we read Scenes 1 & 2 and corrected Scene 1.  

French 10/20/30

The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Then we discussed what information one would present on an Endangered Animal. We decided to include the following:
L’Amérique du Nord
L’Amérique du Sud
Les forêts
Les montagnes
Les deserts
Les forêts tropicales
Les océans
Les toundra
Les marécages
Les prairies
La savane
Le terrier (burrow)
Le ceil
Le nid

La population

Les ailes (wings)
Les griffes (animal claws)
Les serres (bird claws)
Les pinces (lobster claws)
Les nageoires (fins)
Les bois (antlers)
En fourrure (fur)
Les poils (hair)
La queue (tail)
Un amphibian
Un mammifière
Un reptile
Un oiseau
Un insect
Un poisson
Un herbivore
Un omnivore
Un carnivore
Un crustacivore
Un insectivore
Pourquoi est-ce qu’ils sont en danger?
Qu’est-ce que tu peux faire?

You can choose an endangered animal from here:  (tigers, elephants, Tasmanian Devils, polar bears and sea otters are already chosen).


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Then they had time to have 2 students edit their rough Act 2 paragraphs before typing up a good copy on Google Classroom.  This is the last class time for this assignment and it is now due.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 - Day 6

French 8B

The students reviewed passe compose with AVOIR and then started using the DR. & MRS. VANDERTRAMP verbs with ÊTRE
1.  Look at the pronoun
2.  Add the proper form of être:

Je suis
Tu es
Il/Elle/On est
Nous sommes
Vous êtes
Ils/Elles sont

3. Add the past participle

Example:  (aller)  Je _________ ___________ a l'ecole.
Je suis allé à l’école.  I went to school.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  The students then chose a spirit animal (l'animal totem) from  Once you've found an animal that is similar to you then make a poster in Pic Collage.  Include a title, your name, a picture (or 3) and 5 sentences comparing you to the animal.  Use your adjective vocabulary.  E-mail you PicCollage to me.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  They then finished their Venn comparison chart and wrote a rough draft of a paragraph comparing or contrasting the two versions they watched of Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  The students had 2 other students edit their rough drafts of their paragraphs comparing or contrasting the two versions they watched of Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet.  Then the students typed out their good copy on Google Classroom.  Students need to hand-in their rough copy and a printed copy for assessment.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017 - Day 5


The students practiced their Music Festival poems.  Then we finished watching the Zeffirelli version and the Baz Luhrmann version of Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet.  The students will be writing a comparison of Act 2 so if they missed either video they need to make arrangements to see them at a lunch.
Overdue R & J Essays (due Friday, March 17th) - Rachel, Taylor, Tyson, Brandon, Alexis, Seth (bibliography only)

French 10/20/30

Dawson presented his Fashion poster.  The class worked on their poems for Music Festival and we discussed various adjectives.


The students practiced their Music Festival poems.  Then we finished watching the Baz Luhrmann version of Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet.  The students started writing a comparison of Act 2 so if they missed either video they need to make arrangements to see them at a lunch.
Overdue R & J Essays (due Friday, March 17th) - Shun, Eric, Ty, Tristan, Logan, Sam, Madison, Kylie M.

French 7B

The students reviewed conjugating "RE" verbs and then did a practice quiz in preparation for their Summative Quiz on Wednesday, March 29th.

1. Look at the pronoun
2. Find the root (remove the re)
3. Add the endings:

Je ____s
Tu ____s
Il/elle/on ____ (nothing)
Nous ____ ons
Vous ____ez
Ils/elles ____ ent

*Today was an alternate day and in "period 7" the whole school had a chance to see the Festival Drama play "The Muffineers".  There is a public performance tonight at 7 pm.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017 - Day 4

Computers 8 Red

Today the students had work time to finish up their investigation of Search Engines and complete 2 more mini searched.  We  started to discuss Search Engines and will finish this next class.

French 10/20/30

Today we practiced our poems for music festival.  Then we caught up some oral presentations.  Next we did some quizzes to identify Mon Animal Spirtuel ou Mon Animal Totem (Spirit Animal).  Then we started reviewing some adjectives.  Here are links to some of the different quizzes we tried:


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Then we corrected Romeo and Juliet Act 2, Scene 5, and read and corrected Act 2, Scene 6.  We also started watching Act 2 of the Zeffirelli version.  Following is a clip of part of the scene.  Please watch if you were absent.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival and silent read.  Then we continued watching Act 2 of the Zeffirelli version and watched Act 2 of the Luhrmann version. A clip is found below.  If you missed class on Friday you'll need to arrange a time to watch the Act you missed.  Your assignment is to compare the two versions and write a paragraph about your comparisons.

*The following grade 9's owe me ELA Romeo and Juliet Video Analysis essays, which are now a week overdue and your extra-curriculars may be at risk:

ELA 9A Rachel, Alexis, Taylor, Tyson, Caden, Brandon (essay) Seth (bibliography only)
ELA 9B Shaun, Eric, Ty, Tristan, Sam, Logan, Madison, Kylie M. 

*Please pick up your FRUIT ASAP!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017 - Day 3

*The FRUIT sale orders are in.  Please arrange pick-up and delivery ASAP!

Computers 8 Red

The class discussed how to record their information when searching.  They  need to include:
1. the phrase they searched
a) the url they found and the page it is on in the search
b) the answer
2. repeat to verify your answer
Today the students had a mini search #2 and an assignment researching several search engines.  Both are due tomorrow.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  They should have their lines memorized now so they can recite without a paper.  We corrected Romeo and Juliet Act 2, Scene 3 and read Act 2, Scene 4, which we also corrected.  The following students still owe me their Romeo & Juliet Essay, which was due last Friday - extra curriculars may be at risk if they do not run this assignment in:  Rachel, Kenny, Alexis, Taylor, Tyson, Caden, Brandon & Seth 


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  They should have their lines memorized now so they can recite without a paper.  We corrected Romeo and Juliet Act 2, Scene 5 and read Act 2, Scene 6, which we also corrected. Then we started watching the Zefirelli version of Act 2.  The following students still owe me their Romeo & Juliet Essay, which was due last Friday - extra curriculars may be at risk if they do not run this assignment in: Shaun, Josh, Eric, Ty, Tristan, Logan, Ryelee, Sam, Madison & Kylie M.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced their poems for Music Festival and continued presentations on French Fashion.

French 8B

The students finished watching Episode 3 from last day and did a summative assessment.  Next we returned to passe compose and discussed the Dr & Mrs Vandertramp verbs.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - Day 2

Computers 8 Red

The students watched a video on searching and discussed using appropriate phrases and limiters such as the minus sign - or quotations " " to help narrow your search.  The video and the accompanying assignment available on Google Classroom.  The class also did a mini search, which is also available on Google Classroom.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Then we corrected Romeo & Juliet Act 2, Scene 4 and read Act 2, Scene 5.  Questions due tomorrow.

French 7B

The students "IR" summative quizzes were returned and discussed.  We also discussed the "RE" questions they did yesterday and played a kahoot to further practice "RE" verbs.  We'll have a summative quiz on "RE" verbs on Wednesday, March 29th.  We'll have one more class to practice before then.

French 10/20/30

The class practiced their poems for Music Festival and then started to present their fashion posters. Posters are due for tomorrow.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Then we corrected Romeo & Juliet Act 2, Scene 2. We also read Act 2, Scene 3 and questions are due for tomorrow.

*The FRUIT is in!  Please make arrangements to pick up your orders and deliver to your customers ASAP. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - Day 1

Computers 8 Red

The students had their first class today.  We discussed expectations for the course, 90% of which will be available on Google Classroom.  Therefore if you are absent you should check the blog or Facebook or Google Classroom for what you missed.  Today the students did a KWL chart and then explored Scratch.

French 7B

The students reviewed "re" verbes and we finished correcting the worksheet from last class.  We also watched the students Mon Voyage videos which are all available on YouTube. Playlist


The students worked on their poems for Music Festival.  We corrected Act 2, Scene 3 and then read Act 2, Scene 4.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced describing clothing orally and then had work time on their posters.  Posters are due tomorrow.


The students worked on their poems for Music Festival.  The class corrected Act 2 Prologue and Act 2, Scene 1 on Friday.  Today we finished reading Act 2, Scene 2 and will correct tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 - Day 4

*Spirit Week - Disney Day today & House Colours tomorrow!

Computers 8

Today was our last class.  Students completed an end of class survey and most had  some time for MineCraft.  If you still owe me a summative assignment please get it finished by Friday.  No re-assessments will be accepted after Friday.

French 10/20/30

The students are working with a clothing theme. They practiced the poems for Music Festival and did a reading assignment on Fait en France (Made in France).
This is our Activate Entry video:

ELA 9A & 9B

Both classes had time to silent read and then had their last class time to work on their Romeo and Juliet Video Comparison essays. Essays are due Friday.  If you were absent get a rubric from Mrs. Robertson tomorrow.

This is our Activate Entry video:

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 - Day 3

*Congratulations to the grade 9's on Activation project.  Today's BUDDY LUNCH with the grade 6's went very well!

*SPIRIT WEEK continued with Backwards Day today & Disney Day tomorrow!

Computers 8

The students had this class to finish their storyboards.  They also had a chance to finish or reassess any other summative assessments. Tomorrow will be our last class time to work on assignments.  Anyone who has not completed any summative assessments will be expected to get them done on their own time by the end of this week.  If this does not occur other arrangements will be made.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students silent read and then we reviewed "How to Edit".  Students are to:
  1. Finish their rough drafts
  2. Print out a copy
  3. Edit (using the How to Edit outline) on their rough draft.  There should be writing on the rough draft.
  4. Start typing the good copy. (Times New Roman, size 14 font with a title and your name at the top)
By the end of tomorrow's class students should be able to print out a good copy.

How to Edit
We all know the sense of relief we feel when we finish a draft of writing.  Hooray!  It is done!  However, is it?  For many of us, students and adults alike, returning to a piece of writing to revise and edit can feel discouraging.  We have already written the piece, so what is there left to do?  Reading the following questions and suggestions will not only help you reflect on your writing, but also help you become more self-sufficient in the writing process and a better writer.

Revising: Reading as a Reader
After setting your piece of writing down for a short time, pick it up again, and reflect on the following questions from the perspective of an interested reader:

·         Is my purpose for writing clear?
·         Have I considered the questions and concerns of my audience?
·         Have I written in the form and style appropriate for this genre of writing? For example, does my essay look and read like an essay?
·         Have I included sufficient examples and supporting details? 
Revising: Reading as a Writer
From the perspective of a skilled writer, consider the following:

·         Does my introduction or lead succeed in grabbing the reader's attention?
·         Does my conclusion successfully end my writing?
o    Highlight your introduction and conclusion in each paragraph.  Do they state the same thing?
·         Do my paragraphs flow from one to the other well?
·         Have I organized my ideas in a way that makes sense to the reader?
Editing: Reading as an Editor
After revising, try one of these proofreading techniques to polish your writing:

·         Read your writing aloud to catch run-on sentences, over-used words, spelling errors, and typos.
·         Read backwards. Start with the last sentence of your piece and read one sentence at a time from the end to the beginning. By focusing on one sentence at a time, you'll notice ways to improve your writing more easily than reading quickly through your draft from start to finish.
·         Share your writing with a family member or friend. 

    French 10/20/30

The students orally described what they were wearing today.  We went through some clothing vocabulary.  We also went through our poems for Music Festival.

French 8B

The students reviewed the verbs ETRE and AVOIR.  We watched the following videos and then did a practice sheet.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017 - Day 2

*Spirit Week - Pajama Day today & Backwards Day on Tuesday!

* Today was an alternate day with early dismissal at 2:15pm.

Computers 8

The students had time to continue working on their storyboards.  If they were finished they also had time to reassess summative assignments where they have not obtained a 3.  The students have 2 classes left in this section of PAA.


The students had time to work on their Passion Projects.  Students should be preparing to wrap up their projects before Easter Break.  They will have a few more classes to work on the projects but if students have a lot left to accomplish they will need to spend some time on their projects outside of classes.

French 7B

The students had their summative quiz on "IR" verbs and we began learning "RE" verbs.

French 10/20/30

Students once again used passe compose orally.  They did a written quiz on passe compose.  Then we started working on our poems for Music Festival.


The students had time to work on their Passion Projects.  Students should be preparing to wrap up their projects before Easter Break.  They will have a few more classes to work on the projects but if students have a lot left to accomplish they will need to spend some time on their projects outside of classes.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017 - Day 1

Computers 8

The students had time to continue working on their storyboards and many completed them.  They will have another work class on Monday.  The students will also have time to reassess any outcomes in the next three classes before we wrap up this session of PAA and the students move to Home Ec.

French 7B

The students continued working with "IR" verbs.  They did a formative sheet and received feedback on it.  Three students even came for extra help at lunch.  We also watched the "ir" verb video and played a kahoot.  The summative "IR" verb test will be given Monday, March 13th, so study this weekend.


The students silent read twice, and we started planning for our choral speech for Music Festival.  The students then had the rest of both classes to work on their Video Analysis essay.   If you were absent you should start your essay at home on Google Classroom under the assignment create a Google Doc.

French 10/20/30

The students worked on our video for the Activate contest today.  Mon Voyage movies are now due, no more classroom time will be given.


The students silent read, and we started planning for our choral speech for Music Festival.  The students then had the rest of class to work on their Video Analysis essay.  If you were absent you should start your essay at home on Google Classroom under the assignment create a Google Doc.

*Next week is a Spirit Week and Monday is Pajama Day!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017 - Day 6

French 8B

We had a very short class before the Pep Rally.  The students are almost done their pen pal letters.  Please return your permission forms ASAP.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced asking and answering in passe compose.  Then they continued to work on their Mon Voyage videos.  Tomorrow the videos will be due.


The students silent read and then they completed their essay outlines.  Tomorrow the students will start typing out their first drafts, as their planning sheets are completed.


The students silent read and then they worked on their essay outlines.  Tomorrow the students will start typing out their first drafts, as their planning sheets are completed

*Tomorrow is a FREE Hat and Pajama Day because the students sold 500 orders for our Fruit Sale.

*Next week is a Spirit Week.  

Monday - Pajama Day 

Tuesday - Backwards/Opposite Day 

Wednesday - Disney Day 

Thursday - House Colour Day 

Friday - Green St. Patrick's Day

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 - Day 5


The students silent read and then we prepared our invitation for the UPS grade 6's for our Buddy Lunch on Tuesday, March 12th. Thank-you to Allyson and Alexis for delivering them.  The students then started to plan out an essay comparing two versions of the 5 that we watched of Romeo and Juliet.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced using their passe compose orally and then continued work on their Mon Voyage videos.


The students silent read.  Then we prepared the invitations for the St. Peter's grade 6's for our Buddy Lunch on Tuesday, March 12th.  Thank-you to Tristan for delivering them.   Finally we corrected Act 2, Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet.  Answers may be found here:

French 7B

The students received back their Summative Quizzes on "er" verbes.  We practiced "ir" verbs with a video, sheet, and a game of kahoots.

* French 8B Tomorrow, please bring back your permission forms for pen pal Social Media contacts and any small items to enclose in your letters.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - Day 4

Computers 8

The students started to storyboard their stories from last week.  Some students needed to finish their shot list first.  Next class we will also meet in Miss Riddell's room to finish up our storyboarding.


The students silent read and then watched the last version of Romeo and Juliet directed by Carlei.  they then completed their chart about this film version.  They ended by reading Act 2, Scene 1, skipping the Prologue.  We'll catch this up another class.


The students silent read and then read Act 2, Scene 2.  They had questions to finish on this scene for next class.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced using their passe compose orally and then continued work on their Mon Voyage videos.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday, March 7, 2017 - Day 3

Computers 8

The students watched a video on story-boarding and 2 videos on shot types. 

Then they took their story from Friday's class and described, in words, the visual shots for your storyboard 
• Add several blank lines below the paragraph and then type Storyboard Concept 
• Next, list out approximately 15 bulleted items 
• Each bulleted item represents a visual in the storyboard we will be creating 
• Type out the shot type, you can abbreviate if you want. For example: for Establishing shot you could use ES. 
• Also add a very short description of what the shot or visual will contain 
• Do this for all the shots for your storyboard. 
• Remember your story needs to be able to be told visually in about at least fifteen slides or visuals. 
• For example: 

Vegas Blues Joe 
Shot List
ƒ (ES) Vegas Strip, shows skyline with various casinos 
ƒ (LS) Joe walks across the Casino 
ƒ (MS) Joe is cheating while playing the slot machines 
ƒ (MLS) Joe wins Jackpot, gets a big Check 
ƒ (ECU) Shows the value of the cheque $1 000 000 000
ƒ (LS) Joe is being followed by an undercover agent 
ƒ (MS) Joe reads a blackmail note
ƒ (ECU) Details of note 
ƒ (MS) Joe drops of money bag at secret location
ƒ (MLS) Joe and the con man are both arrested 
ƒ (LS) Money bag is found by a bum and left in the donation box 
ƒ (ECU) Money bag is found in the donation box 
ƒ (LS) Orphanage is saved, kids are happy, it’s also Xmas 
ƒ (LS) Joe and Con man are stuck in jail with other losers both are crying -the end 

• Save your shot list in Google Classroom listing at least fifteen visuals that contain the shot type and its description. Once you have completed this step, you will need to turn it into Miss Riddell
* You are starting to storyboard tomorrow so you need to get Friday's & Monday's assignments done ASAP.


The students silent read twice for 10 minutes.  Then they finished watching Act 1 of Baz Luhrmann's version of Romeo + Juliet and discussed it.  They then watched Act 1 of West Side Story and discussed it as well.


The students silent read for 10 minutes.  Then we watched our fifth and final version of Romeo and Juliet (directed by Carlei) and discussed it.  We also planned out an invitation for our Buddy Lunch (with grade 6's from St. Peter's school) next Tuesday.

French 10/20/30

The students practiced using passe compose to discuss their weekend activities.  They had work time to continue working on their Mon Voyage video.

French 8B

The class continued working on their pen pal letters and typed out their good copies, which they e-mailed to Miss Riddell for printing.  Students received a permission form today to allow them to share their social media information with their pen pals.  These need to be returned by Friday, March 10th.  

Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday, March 3, 2017 - Day 2

Computers 8

Today the students wrote a short (7-9 sentence) story, which will be turned into a storyboard.

Some possible story ideas, pick only one: 
1. Come up with an original short fictional story 
2. Tell a short story about a news event that you were a part of or experienced firsthand 
3. Tell a short story about a person or character of interest
4. Take a favorite story and summarize it 
5. Think of the next Hollywood blockbuster movie and summarize the plot 
6. Come up with a music video concept, with an underlying story 
(*remember you only need to pick one of the above story ideas) 

• Read the following two examples of original fictional short stories. These examples will give you an idea of the kind of story you need to create. 

Vegas Blues Joe
Vegas Blues Joe is a cheating slot machine player who wins big on a trip to Vegas. Unknowing to Joe he is secretly followed back to his home in New York by the FBI. One of the officers investigating Joe blackmails him for half of his winnings. Both men get busted and end up in jail. All of the money goes missing and mysteriously ends up delivered to an orphanage where it is believed to be the anonymous gift they had been praying for. 

Monkey See Monkey Do
It is the second half of the final soccer game of the season for the Bears. They are tied with the Ducks 4-4. The Goalie gets injured and the only option is for them to send in their mascot a monkey named Pete. Pete blocks several shots with his super tail. In the final seconds Pete takes the ball all the way to the other side of the field and miraculously scores the winning goal in the last second with his super tail doing the famous bicycle flip. The Bears win the championship and Pete is given the MVP. 

• The biggest mistake students make on this assignment is to describe too many details, characters, events or actions. 
• Your story not only needs to be very brief but it also needs to be creative and interesting. 
• Try to write a short story which can be told visually in about fifteen slides or visuals. 
• Make sure you type your short story in a document in Google Classroom 
• Your story should be one paragraph and contain around 7-9 sentences and also have a title 
• Once you have completed your story turn it in so Miss Riddell


The students silent read and then we continued watching the "first Act" of West Side Story.
Afterwards we discussed this version of Romeo and Juliet.

French 7B
Two students were in the Chaise Chaud and then we continued our introduction of "ir" verbes.  The students practiced using this new verb family.  Everyone came and caught up on their tests and videos today, YEAH!!

French 10/20/30

The students practiced passe compose by playing 2 Kahoots, then they discussed what they did last night in passe compose.  Then they had time to work on planning their videos for a trip they have taken or a trip they wished they had taken.


The students silent read and then we continued watching the Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet and discussed it.  Then the students then started watching the Baz Lurhmann version.

*Good luck to everyone involved in this weekend's PINK Basketball Tournament.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017 - Day 1

Computers 8

The students finished their charts and then we discussed camera framing, camera movements, and shot composition and how they are shown in a storyboard.  Next class the students will start writing a short story that will be turned into a storyboard.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed "er" verbs and then wrote our summative quiz.  We then introduced "ir" verbs.  If you were absent be prepared to write your test at noon tomorrow.  Also, Matthew needs to finish his Mon Voyage video ASAP.


The students had time for silent reading and then we continued watching the Zeffirelli version of Romeo & Juliet and discussed it.  We also watched the Baz Lurhmann version, and started watching West Side story.

French 10/20/30

The students discussed what they did and liked when they were 8 years old.  Then we continued practicing passe compose with avoir and etre.  Tomorrow students are starting to plan a video of a trip they have taken or a trip they wished they had taken.  Each trip will include:
transportation to get there
activities (10 - 2, 11 - 4, 12 - 6)
how you felt
spoken language
length of your trip
who traveled with you / who did you meet
transportation home


The students had time for silent reading and then we continued watching the Stratford version of Romeo & Juliet and discussed it. Then we started watching the Zeffirelli version.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - Day 6

French 8B

The students wrote a pop quiz on avoir and etre before the break and we went through these formative quizzes and then we went through their summative passe compose with avoir quizzes as well.  The students then started to write a pen pal letter to a student in France.  Next week students will be bringing home a permission form regarding communicating with these Pen Pals over Social Media.

French 10/20/30

The students discussed their activities last night using passe compose.  We then reviewed and practiced using the Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp verbs in passe compose with etre and extra e's for feminine pronouns, and extra s's for plural pronouns.


The students silent read and then we watched the first act of the Stratford version of Romeo and Juliet.  Next class we will finish watching it and discuss that version's character choices and setting.


The students silent read and then we finished watching the first act of the Stratford version of Romeo and Juliet and filled in our charts. We thne started watching the first act of the Zeffirelli version, which we'll finish tomorrow.