Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday, March 13, 2020 (Day 3)


The students did some more practice using scale.
a) Find your two points on a map
b) Place a paper on the map and mark the two places.
c) Match the paper to the scale.
d) Calculate the distance between the two points.
We practiced using a map of Australia.
Then the students did an activity where they planned a band trip across Canada and calculated the distances between 7 cities on the tour.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  Then we finished watching Act 3 of Romeo + Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.  Then we started to watch Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet with Hailee Steinfield and Douglas Booth. The students are looking for the style of filming (music, sets, costumes) and how the versions differ from the original play (which we are reading) and each other.  They are completing a summative viewing activity.


We have quite a few things in various stages of completion.  The following are due next class or overdue:
Career Poster (research a career of choice based on your Xello matchmaker results) Due Feb 7 - Jared, Danielle, Daphne, Chris, Morgan, Tobi, Steyn, Layne, Mikael, Deacon, Krislynn, Molly, Easton
Resume (typed out on Google Classroom and printed for their Portfolio binder) Due Mar 13 - Jared, Danielle, Camara, Daphne, Chris, Morgan, David, Jorja, Spencer, Grace H, Tobi, Layne, Mikael, Deacon,  Krislynn, Molly, Bree, Carter, Nic, Easton
Everyone needs three artifacts for next class and a one inch binder and plastic sleeves.


The students practiced their poems for Music Festival.  We finished reading and discussing "Wesakejack and the Flood."  Then we discussed Greek heroes and made our own definitions of heroes and gave examples of real life heroes such as: Terry Fox, Firefighters, Mother Teresa,  Olympic athletes, and so on.  We started to read the story of  "Danaus, Perseus and the Gorgon," which we'll finish on Monday.

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