Thursday, January 30, 2020

Thursday, January 30, 2020 (Day 3)


Those who were not writing Social had a chance to finish up their Outsiders projects or their Writing Prompt stories and then had time for some extra silent reading.  Then in period 5 they signed out "Romeo and Juliet" and did some more silent reading.  Next we discussed how the play is set-up in the book and finished reading Scene 1 and doing the questions.  We'll correct next class.
Outsiders Project (Jan 24) - Owen, Kelsey, Kylie, Kyle, Taelyn


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we finished reading Romeo and Juliet, Act One, Scene One.  the students received a question package for Act One and had time to complete the questions for Scene One.  We'll correct on Monday.
Vocabulary Lesson 5 (Jan 21) - Parker, Kaden
Outsider Project (Jan 24) - Kaden, Weston, Parker, Adam, Tristin, Emma

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 (Day 2)


The students read silently for 10 minutes.  Then we started a new unit on "Timeless Narratives of First Nations and Greeks."  We discussed why oral story telling is such an important part of First Nations culture.  The students completed Cloze notes, and if you were absent you can find the answers on Google Classroom.  Today we started reading a creation story about "How Raven Created the World" but we ran out of time so will finish up next class.
Daily Write #20 (Dec.22) & Daily Write #28 (Jan. 16) - Madison
Bifocal Final Project (Jan. 24) - Kaden, Jayden, Cory,  Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Grace, Brenna, Jayce


Today was our last class as Mr. Whyte will teach the next term.  The students had one final project, which involved taking the information from the chart we worked on for the last two classes and creating a slideshow.  The students chose one behaviour, right, obligation, belief, and norm from the chart and for each choice they created:
  • one slide with a definition
  • one slide with how students accomplish or use this in school
  • one slide with how workers accomplish or use this in their job
At the end they should have 15 slides and a title slide so 16 slides total.

Values assignment (Oct 18) - Leo


Today the students took one of the Careers that Xello matched them with last day and finished up their jot notes.  When their jot notes were finished they had time to begin their poster using a document posted in Google Classroom.  All information should fit on one page with a heading and some pictures.  I will print them out on  11 x 14 paper.
Styles, Skills, Personality Poster & Paragraph (Nov 25) - Tobi

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 (Day 1)


The students who were done their Bifocal Final project were allowed to watch the Grade 9 Art Collective performance. Those who stayed back read for ten minutes before getting extra time to finish up their final projects.  
Daily Write #20 (Dec.22) & Daily Write #28 (Jan. 16) - Madison
Bifocal Final Project (Jan. 24) - Kaden, Jayden, Cory, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Grace, Jayce
Bifocal Exam (Jan 27) - Morgan, Maison, Cory

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  The class discussed some pre-reading questions about "Romeo and Juliet."  We also discussed Shakespearean language and took some notes on common terms. The students even had a chance to insult (or compliment) each other  in Shakespearean language.
Thou art a magical,  pure-hearted, much favoured delight.
Thou art a cantankerous, onion breathing, puke-stained  maggot-pie.
If you were absent the slideshow with vocabulary notes is posted on Google Classroom.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020 (Day 6)


The class finished discussing Internet Safety and started discussing the jot notes made on OUR CONNECTED LIFE.  We left off on Kasey's section and will continue next class.


The students wrote their exam on the novel "Bifocal."  If they finished early they had time to finish up their Bifocal projects or silent read.  If you were absent see Miss Riddell for a time to make up your exam.
Daily Write #20 (Dec.22) & Daily Write #28 (Jan. 16) - Madison
Bifocal Final Project (Jan. 24) - Kaden, Jayden, Cory, Shawn, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Grace, Brenna, Jayce, Christian, Aithel (links)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes and tallied their minutes for the last week.  I introduced some information about William Shakespeare and why we still read his works today. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE  Then the students did a page of writing based on one of eleven prompts.  This was completed on Google Classroom and you can find it there if you were absent.
Outsider Projects are now overdue for the following: Kaden, Weston, Parker, Adam, Tristin, Emma,  Owen, Raegan, Kelsey, Kenzie, Kylie, Kyle, Taelyn, Tanner

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Friday, January 24, 2020 (Day 5)


The students all had a section of information on "Your Connected Life" to read and make jot notes about.  The assignment and links are found on Google Classroom. We'll discuss next class.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes silently.  This is the last class time to work on the final project for "The Outsiders."  They either recast the movie and made a trailer, created a soundtrack and made a playlist on YouTube or made a Fakebook account with posts from the novel's characters.  Rough planning sheets should be turned in along with a link on Google Classroom. 


The students all were assigned a Paris monument to research and then make a small poster on.  The directions are found on Google Classroom. A picture of the monument and a poster sheet were given out by Mr. Ehnisz.  Good luck with finals!


The students read for ten minutes silently.  This is the last class time to work on the final project for "Bifocal."  They either summarized the story in a PowToon, made a green screen NewsCast about events in the novel or an Instagram account with posts from the novel's characters.  Rough planning sheets should be turned in along with a link on Google Classroom. Bifocal exam on Monday. Reviews were given out today and can also be found on Google Classroom.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thursday, January 23, 2020 (Day 4)


Today the students continued work on their jot notes about Internet Safety.  As a class we started to discuss and compile a set of notes on all the topics.  We didn't quite finish but will do so on Monday.  Tomorrow I'm away and Mr. Ehnisz will be in. There will be a new assignment on Google Classroom.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  The students then had time to work on their Final Project for the novel "Bifocal".  Projects are due this Friday, January 24th and there will be an exam on Monday, January 27th.
Overdues:  Daily Write #20 - Dec 22 - Madison
Daily Write #28 - Madison


Today we finished up three oral presentations and then we made crêpes.  Yummy!

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  The students then had time to work on their Final Project for the novel "The Outsiders".  If they are already done they had some time to study for finals or silent read. Projects are due this Friday, January 24th.
Overdues:  Lesson 5 Vocabulary - Kaden and Parker

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020 (Day 3)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  The students then had time to work on their Final Project for the novel "The Outsiders".  Projects are due this Friday, January 24th.
Today at noon the following people need to have their lunch so they can finish the summative assignment for the the movie version of "The Outsiders":
Kristina, Parker, Adam, Raegan, Ryder, Wesley, Kylie, Owen, Tanner, Kenzie, Nic 


The students presented their final Oral Presentation.  Grade 10s - 1 minute.  Grade 11s - 90 seconds.  Grade 12s - 2 minutes.  The topic was one of their choice.  Students could not take up a written paper but could take up pictures to jog their memory. 

We are making crêpes on THURSDAY.  Everyone is responsible for an ingredient:

1 dozen eggs (3) – James, Kendra, Adam

2 cups of flour (2)- Abby, Piper

1 cup sugar (2)-  Lola, Emily

1 litre milk (2)- Braedon, Quinn

1 can of whipped cream (3)- Brooklyn, Alexis, Isabella

2 cups sliced strawberries (6)- Kylie, Monica, Morgan

2 cups raspberries – Devyn

2 cups blueberries - Raicky

1 block of butter (1)- Xander

1 bottle of strawberry jam (1)- Emma

4 bananas sliced (5) – Sarina, Jenna, Makayla, Paige, Jared

Chocolate Sauce (2) – Jace, Olivia

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2010 (Day 2)


The students read silently for ten minutes.  The students then had time to work on their Final Project for the novel "Bifocal".  Projects are due this Friday, January 24th and there will be an exam on Monday, January 27th.
Overdues:  Daily Write #20 - Dec 22 - Madison
Daily Write #28 - Madison


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Today was a Vocabulary Day.  We corrected the definitions for Lesson 5 and the students completed part B & C and handed them in. 

Wednesday at noon the following people need to have their lunch so they can finish the summative assignment for the the movie version of "The Outsiders":
Kristina, Parker, Adam, Raegan, Ryder, Wesley, Kylie, Owen, Tanner, Kenzie, Nic


The students planned out their final Oral Presentation.  Grade 10s - 1 minute.  Grade 11s - 90 seconds.  Grade 12s - 2 minutes.  The topic is one of their choice.  Students can not take up a written paper but can take up pictures to jog their memory. Presentations tomorrow.

We also planned for making crêpes on THURSDAY.  Everyone is responsible for an ingredient:

1 dozen eggs (3) – James, Kendra, Adam

2 cups of flour (2)- Abby, Piper

1 cup sugar (2)-  Lola, Emily

1 litre milk (2)- Braedon, Quinn

1 can of whipped cream (3)- Brooklyn, Alexis, Isabella

2 cups sliced strawberries (6)- Kylie, Monica, Morgan

2 cups raspberries – Devyn

2 cups blueberries - Raicky

1 block of butter (1)- Xander

1 bottle of strawberry jam (1)- Emma

4 bananas sliced (5) – Sarina, Jenna, Makayla, Paige, Jared

Chocolate Sauce (2) – Jace, Olivia


Today we finished discussing and taking notes on the behaviours, rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms or students and workers.  Next class we'll be using this information to do a final summative.


Today the students signed up for Xello and did some of the introductory matchmaker activity. If you were absent see Miss Riddell for help with your login. They also chose a career to research.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Monday, January 20, 2020 (Day 1)


The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their minutes read for the last week.  Each student had a set goal based on reading 20 minutes per day (ten in class and ten at home, twenty on the weekends).  The students then had time to work on their Final Project for the novel "Bifocal".  Projects are due this Friday, January 24th and there will be an exam on Monday, January 27th.
Overdues:  Daily Write #20 - Dec 22 - Madison, Kaden
Daily Write #28 - Madison, Kaden


The students wrote their exam today on La Maison.  We also planned for making crêpes on THURSDAY.  Everyone is responsible for an ingredient:

1 dozen eggs (3) – James, Kendra, Adam

2 cups of flour (2)- Abby, Piper

1 cup sugar (2)-  Lola, Emily

1 litre milk (2)- Braedon, Quinn

1 can of whipped cream (3)- Brooklyn, Alexis, Isabella

2 cups sliced strawberries (6)- Kylie, Monica, Morgan

2 cups raspberries – Devyn

2 cups blueberries - Raicky

1 block of butter (1)- Xander

1 bottle of strawberry jam (1)- Emma

4 bananas sliced (5) – Sarina, Jenna, Makayla, Paige, Jared

Chocolate Sauce (2) – Jace, Olivia

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their minutes read for the last week.  Each student had a set goal based on reading 20 minutes per day (ten in class and ten at home, twenty on the weekends).  The students then had time to work on their Final Project for the novel "The Outsiders".  Projects are due this Friday, January 24th.
Wednesday at noon the following people need to have their lunch so they can finish the summative assignment for the the movie version of "The Outsiders":
Kristina, Parker, Adam, Raegan, Ryder, Wesley, Kylie, Owen, Tanner, Kenzie, Nic 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday, January 17, 2020 (Day 6)


The students completes their second Summative on Searching.  If they finished early then they started to read about Safety on the Internet and make jot notes on 5 of the topics discussed.  They'll have more time to finish this up during class next Thursday.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we reviewed the three final project options for "Bifocal."  Students could choose from using Instagram, iMovie for a newscast, or Powtoon to re-tell important events from the novel.  All the instructions are on Google Classroom.  Projects will be due on Friday, January 24th. We will be having a final test on Bifocal Monday, January 27th.
Daily Write #20 (Dec. 22) - Kaden, Shawn, Phoenix, Maison, Madison, Grace, Brenna, Christian, Darrian
Daily Write #28 (Jan 16) - Shawn, Madison, Phoenix, Cassey, Jack, Kaden, Morgan


The students had ten minutes to study the terms for La Masion.  Then we did a practice test in preparation for their test on Monday.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they had work time for their final project for "The Outsiders."  They have chosen from:  recasting the movie, creating a movie soundtrack, or posting to Fakebook as the characters.  Each choice needs 12 quotes to back up the student's descriptions and choices.  All information is posted on Google Classroom and the projects will be due on Friday, January 24th.
The Outsiders final question (Jan 7) - Parker, Adam, Carter

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020 (Day 5)


Today we discussed mini-search #4 as a group.  We discussed the importance of answering each part of the question and verifying it.  Mini search # 4 was a two part question so needed two different searches and 2 verifications of the answers found.  Each student received a formative mark.  Today the students had time to complete Part 1 of The Searching Summative.  We'll do part two tomorrow.  At the end of class they also had time to work on HOUR of CODE.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  We discussed the three final project options for "The Outsiders"  students chose one and began planning.  If you were absent look over the descriptions on Google Classroom and let me know your choice next class.  These projects will be due Friday, January 24th.


Today we practiced vocabulary for the basement (le sous-sol). The students also drew one from an oral description.  Then we practiced more vocabulary from all the rooms.  We are going to have a vocabulary quiz and a drawing from an oral description on Monday, January 20th.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  The class corrected the answers for Chapter 28 and handed in the last Daily Write.  We discussed the three final project options for "Bifocal" and students chose one.  If you were absent check out the options on Google Classroom and let Miss Riddell know your choice.  The projects will be due on Friday, January 24th and we will be having a test on the novel on Monday, January 27th.  Here is a link to a Prezi, which has a good summary of the novel : Bifocal Prezi



The students read silently for ten minutes. Then they had time to work on their Final Project for "The Outsiders."  If you have not chosen a project yet please check out the choices on Google Classroom and let Miss Riddell know your final choice.  These projects will be due Friday, January 24th.
Overdues: Final Outsiders Question - Jan 7 - Adam, Parker and Carter

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 (Day 4)


Today the students discussed their findings for Mini Searches #2 and #3.  Mini search 2 provided three different answers, which could be verified.  We decided it was due to the fact that the answer was sometimes from different countries - U.S.A. or England or Canada.  Also, mini search #3 asked two questions so required answering the first questions before the second one to get a really accurate answer.   The students had a chance to do one more search before we start the Summative search activity tomorrow.  If students finished early they had time to continue working with Hour of Code.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we corrected the answers for chapters 26 & 27 of "Bifocal."  The answers will be posted on Google Classroom if you were absent.  We then finished the novel by reading chapter 28 and students had time to complete the chapter questions and the last Daily Write, which will be handed in.
Daily Write #20 - Due Dec. 22 - Kaden, Shawn, Phoenix, Maison, Madison, Grace, Brenna, Christian, Aithel. Darrian
Daily Write # 28 - Due Jan. 15 - Shawn, Madison, Phoenix, Cassey, Jack, Kaden, Morgan


Today we reviewed the vocabulary for La Salle à Manger and the students drew a room from an oral description.  Then they did some research on vocabulary for le sous-sol.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  We discussed the three final project options for "The Outsiders"  students chose one and began planning.  If you were absent look over the descriptions on Google Classroom and let me know your choice next class.  These projects will be due Friday, January 24th.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  We watched the rest of the movie "The Outsiders" and the students did a Summative assessment.  If you were absent I will replay part of the movie at a noon hour next week.  Listen to announcements for the day but it will probably be Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020 (Day 3)


The students read silently for ten minutes.  We continued watching the movie of "The Outsiders," which we'll finish up tomorrow.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  We finished watching the movie of "The Outsiders," and did a summative on the movie.  If you were absent I'll arrange a noon hour next week for you to finish up this activity.


The students practiced vocabulary for La Chambre à Coucher with a Kahoot and then we did an oral describe and draw.  The next room we started to look at is La Salle à Manger. 

Cold Weather Message:

In severe weather, when buses are not running, schools will remain open except in exceptional circumstances.

Every day of learning matters, and even when the buses are not in operation, we encourage students to make it to school if they can, keeping safety in mind. Please rest assured that learning continues, and staff are prepared and looking forward to working with students.

  • In some cases, classes will continue as they normally would.
  • Students may receive support completing assignments and projects.
  • Students may benefit from individualized and small group instruction.

The Severe Weather Procedure (8.05) is located on Living Sky School Division’s website.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday, January 13, 2020 (Day 2)


The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their pages for last week.  We corrected the questions for Chapters 24 & 25 of Bifocal.  Then we read chapters 26 & 27, discussed, and did the questions.  


The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their pages for last week.  They then worked on definitions and questions for lesson 5 in our vocabulary study. 


Today we did a review of La Salle de Bains vocabulary using Kahoot.  Then the students drew a bathroom as described, in French, by me.  Next we went over vocabulary for La Chambre à Coucher and the students drew and described in French for a partner.


Today we discussed how the roles of a student and a worker are similar.  We looked at various behaviours and rights today.  Next class we'll look at obligations, beliefs, and norms for both groups.
Some groups need to finish their healthy relationship green screen videos by the end of next week.


The students used the information that they collected from their Interviews with someone over 60 to do a summative assignment. It is homework (due next class) if they did not have or had not yet completed their interview. They had time to work on other assignments and if anyone was caught up they got some time on

Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday, January 10, 2020 (Day 1)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they completed the questions for "Bifocal" chapter 23 before we corrected.  We also read chapters 24 & 25 and started the questions.  We'll correct on Monday.
Daily Write #20 (3 character predictions) Due Dec 22 - Kaden, Shawn, Phoenix, Jenai, Maison, Madison, Grace, Brenna, Christian, Aithel, Darrian
Character Comparison Chart (Due Dec 18) - Jenai


The students practiced vocabulary from La Cuisine (the kitchen) and then drew one from an oral description.  Before we looked at vocabulary for La Salle de Bains.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes and then we continued watching the movie version of "The Outsiders."


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday, January 9, 2020 (Day 6)


The students and I went through mini search #1.  
Students must include the following information for each search:
terms searched:  first home computer -ibm -apple
answer: Altair 8800
then make sure to verify using the same format as above. Make sure it is a different website.

Today they did mini search 2 & 3.  If they finished early they then had time to work on Hour of Code.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we finished reading "Bifocal" chapter 22, the students did the chapter questions, and we corrected. We did not do the daily write for chapter 22 as it was the same as one of the questions.  We also had time to read chapter 23. We'll do those questions tomorrow.


The students reviewed "le salon" vocabulary with a kahoot and did a quick drawing of a living room following my oral French directions.  Then we discussed vocabulary for the kitchen and students worked in pairs to describe a kitchen to each other and draw it from the instructions.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we continued watching the movie of "The Outsiders."


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we corrected the questions for chapters 11 & 12.  Please hand in the last question. We started to watch the movie of the novel and will continue to do so over the next few days.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wednesday, January 8, 2020 (Day 5)


The students reviewed searching techniques.
1.   Choose your terms carefully.
2.   Use the - symbol to exclude results 
      For example:  cookies -chocolate -->  will lead to cookie without chocolate
3.   Use the "" "" marks to find specific terms
      For example:  "Sugar cookies"  --> will lead to sugar cookies and not just any cookies with sugar 
      in them
4.  Use the + symbol to add specific information 
     For example:  "sugar cookies"  +lemon --> will lead to sugar cookies with lemon icing or      
     flavouring, and so on

They then had time to do the first mini-search on Google Classroom recording the:

search terms  -->  first personal computers -IBM -apple
url -->
answer -->  ???

then either repeating with a new search term to find a better answer OR verifying your answer with another url

Mini-search #1 is due tomorrow.  If you have time also start the mini-search #2.


The students read for ten minutes.  We finished reading chapter 12 of "The Outsiders" and the students had time to complete their questions for chapters 11 and 12. We'll correct tomorrow.


Today we started a new topic on houses.  We discussed vocabulary for "le salon."  Then students drew out their own living rooms and had another person try to draw from their instructions in French.

à gauche (to the left)
à droite (to the right)
à cÔté de (next to)
entre (between)
sous (under / below)
sur (on)
près de (near to)
nord (North) 
sud (South)
est (East)
ouest (West)


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they worked in groups of three to develop a plan of three things they could do, with examples, when someone in their community has been a victim of hatred or racism of some kind.  
We then read chapter 22 of "Bifocal"up to page 234.  We'll finish up tomorrow.


The students read for ten minutes.  We corrected the last questions for "The Outsiders."  I took in the very last question so be prepared to hand that one in if you were absent today.  Then we started to watch the movie, which we'll finish in the next few classes.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday, January 7, 2020 (Day 4)


Today we discussed various search engines.  How they are set up, how the search works, and what type of information you can find (images, videos, news, maps, and so on).  We also watched the following video on how to search using the - sign and the " "s.


The students had a chance to sign out new books, read, and tally their pages read over the break.  We then continued reading "Bifocal" to the end chapter 21 and did the chapter questions.  We also watched four short videos on people reacting to acts of prejudice or racism.  Tomorrow is a group you will make a plan for how you could react to witnessing an act of prejudice or racism.


Today the students orally shared three new year's resolutions using the future tense:
Je vais faire plus d'exercise. (I am going to do more exercise.)  Then they wrote out five resolution and handed them in to be marked.  We ended with a numbers Kahoot.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we finished reading "The Outsiders."  Students had time to compete the questions for chapters 11 & 12.  We'll correct tomorrow.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we corrected "The Outsiders" chapters 9 & 10 and read chapter 11 & 12 to page 177.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Monday, January 6, 2020 (Day 3)


The students had time to sign out new books, read, and record the pages they read over break.  Then they had the rest of the class to finish "The Outsiders" questions for chapters 9 and 10, which we'll correct tomorrow.


The students had time to sign out new books, read, and record the pages they read over break.  Then they finished correcting "The Outsiders" questions for chapters 9 and 10.  We also started to read chapter 11 and 12 upto page 179.  We'll finish up tomorrow.


We watched Xander and Kendra's "Moi dans 2029" presentations.  Everyone shared three things they did over Christmas (Orally).  Then everyone wrote six sentences telling about their Christmas holidays in past tense.  Remember Vandertramps will start with:  Je suis ______(e) (s).  Others start with:  J'ai ________.  er--> é   ir--> i   re--> u
Make sure to include:
1. ate
2. went
3. watched
4. received
5. visited
6. one additional thing you did or played
We finished up with Kahoots on passé composé using avoir and numbers 1-100.