ELA 9A & 9B
The students read silently for ten minutes. Then they finished watching Act 1 of West Side Story. We discussed the Zefirelli and West Side Story Versions. The students were given formative feedback on the viewing comparisons and handed in their sheet for the last question only. If you missed part of the videos and would like to see them I will show them the Wednesday after break at lunch in my room.
We then started to read Act 2 of "Romeo and Juliet" to the end of Scene 1.
Vocab Lesson 5 (Jan ) - Kaden, Parker
Outsiders Final Project (Jan 24) - Emma, Kaden, Kelsey, Kyle, Kylie, Owen, Parker, Taelyn, Tristin, Weston
Romeo and Juliet Writing Prompt (Jan 28) - Tristin, Owen, Kelsey, McKenzie, Nic, Kyle, Tanner
Today the students finished their chart like the one below and made the headings size 18, bold, and a colour. They then attached their finished document to the assignment WORD PRACTICE in Google Classroom.
- Open the assignment.
- Attach a FILE (your google doc which includes the chart below)
- Turn it in
Then the students started to work on their Internet Security Plan. This is also found on Google Classroom. There are two outcomes covered. One is the Internet Security Plan itself (and the students strategies for staying safe and having a good digital footprint). Two is showing their document skills (colours, heading, images). This will be due at the end of next class.
The students read silently for ten minutes. Then they had the rest of the class to research their Greek god or goddess and put their information into a Google Slideshow on Google Classroom. This will be due at the end of class tomorrow.
Bifocal Final Project (Jan 24) - Cory, Morgan, Madison, Phoenix
BDA Creation Myths (Feb 5) - Madison, Morgan , Phoenix
Representing Creation (Feb 7) - Kaden, Jayden, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Christian
The students discussed Map your Continent today. We did pages 30-33 in their booklets and watched the video below:
Island Map (Feb 10) - Jeramiah, Katie, Kaybree Z
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