Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday, February 28, 2020 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read for ten minutes.  Then we continued watching Act 2 of "Romeo and Juliet" movie and stage versions.  We'll finish up on Monday.


Today we discussed where we find coding in everyday life (cars, stoves, vacuums)  and where it might go in the future (self-driving cars or even flying cars).  Then we started a coding project for Scratch.  Everyone planned out their names and then started to write down the coordinates to graph them.


The students read for ten minutes. Miss Riddell took in the jot notes on the Greek God/Goddess presentations.  Then we discussed several landscapes in preparation for the students to pretend they are a Greek God or Goddess and create a perfect landscape. Their description must include as many senses as possible (sight, sound, smell, taste, feelings). Further information can be found on Google Classroom.  Rough drafts will be completed on Monday.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020 (Day 5)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes. Then we finished reading Act 2, discussing, doing the questions, and correcting.  Then we started to watch the Carlei version of "Romeo and Juliet" for Act 2.
Vocab Lesson 5 - Parker & Kaden
Outsiders Final Project (Jan 24) - Weston, Parker, Tristin, Emma, Owen, Kelsey, Kylie, Kyle, Taelyn


Today we watched several videos on maps including the following and did an activity using a grid system where the bottom of a map is labeled with letters and the side is labeled with numbers.  Then a co-ordinate of (LETTER, NUMBER) is used to identify a specific location.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we finished up presentations on Greek Gods and Goddesses.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 (Day 4)


The students read for ten minutes.  Then they had some time to finish parts B & C of Lesson 1 in vocabulary.  We corrected. They prepared their notebooks for Lesson 2's vocabulary definitions.


The students finished up the Unit One:  Geography booklet and we corrected.  The Canada map on the last page needs to be handed in.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then the students worked through their first SRA story, corrected and recorded their results.


Today the students watched 2 short videos on Coding.  Then they had an assignment about coding.  It is due for next class.

Monday, February 24 & Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - Day 2 & 3


The students read silently for ten minutes both days and on Monday they tallied their pages read from before the break until now.  Then they started to present the Greek God or Goddess who they had researched.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes both days and on Monday they tallied their pages read from before the break until now. Then they continued to read, discuss, and correct Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet.  They completed reading and correcting to the end of Scene 4.  One class finished reading Scene 5 and one has a little bit to complete next class (Thursday).


The students started a new book on how well they know Canada's place in the world while reviewing the seven continents and five oceans.


The students did a rough draft of their resume.  Check classroom for exactly what you need to include if you were absent. They also started to describe their artifacts (sports medals, certificates, and so on.  Please have your resume rough draft and 3 artifacts here for next class.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday, February 14, 2020 (Day 1)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we corrected Act 2, Prologue and Scene 1.  Then we read Act 2, Scene 2 "the balcony scene" from Romeo and Juliet.  The students had time to complete the scene questions, which we'll correct after break. If you were absent the questions and a copy of Romeo and Juliet can be found on Google Classroom.
Vocabulary Lesson 5 (Jan 21) - Kaden, Parker
Outsiders Final Project (Jan 24) - Weston, Parker, Tristin, Emma, Owen, Kelsey. Kylie, Kyle, Taelyn
R & J Writing Prompt ( Jan 28) - Tristin, Owen, Kelsey, McKenzie, Nic, Kyle, Tanner


The students read silently for ten minutes.  They then had time to complete their research and create a Google Slideshow on a Greek god or goddess.  The students will start presenting these after break so they must be done for Mon. Feb. 24th.
Bifocal Final Project (Jan 24) - Cory, Morgan, Madison, Phoenix
BDA Creation Myths (Feb 5) - Madison, Morgan , Phoenix
Representing Creation (Feb 7) -  Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Christian


The students had time to complete their Internet Security Plans, using their Google Doc skills on Google Classroom. It is due today.  If done they had time to work on Scratch or Hour of Code.


The students corrected the page 33 research questions.  Then they discussed and completed pages 35-41 on mapping our world.
Island Map (Feb 10) - Kaybree Z & Jeramiah

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they finished watching Act 1 of West Side Story.  We discussed the Zefirelli and West Side Story Versions.  The students were given formative feedback on the viewing comparisons and handed in their sheet for the last question only. If you missed part of the videos and would like to see them I will show them the Wednesday after break at lunch in my room.
We then started to read Act 2 of "Romeo and Juliet" to the end of Scene 1.

Vocab Lesson 5 (Jan ) - Kaden, Parker
Outsiders Final Project (Jan 24) - Emma, Kaden, Kelsey,  Kyle, Kylie, Owen, Parker, Taelyn, Tristin, Weston
Romeo and Juliet Writing Prompt (Jan 28) - Tristin, Owen, Kelsey, McKenzie, Nic, Kyle, Tanner


Today the students finished their chart like the one below and made the headings size 18, bold, and a colour.  They then attached their finished document to the assignment WORD PRACTICE in Google Classroom.
  1. Open the assignment.
  2. Attach a FILE (your google doc which includes the chart below)
  3. Turn it in
Yellow Lab
Carrie Underwood
Lemon chocolate cupcakes
Jesus at the Wheel
Patrick Stewart
Then the students started to work on their Internet Security Plan.  This is also found on Google Classroom.  There are two outcomes covered.  One is the Internet Security Plan itself (and the students strategies for staying safe and having a good digital footprint).  Two is showing their document skills (colours, heading, images). This will be due at the end of next class.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then they had the rest of the class to research their Greek god or goddess and put their information into a Google Slideshow on Google Classroom.  This will be due at the end of class tomorrow.
Bifocal Final Project (Jan 24) - Cory, Morgan, Madison, Phoenix
BDA Creation Myths (Feb 5) - Madison, Morgan , Phoenix
Representing Creation (Feb 7) - Kaden, Jayden, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Christian


The students discussed Map your Continent today.  We did pages 30-33 in their booklets and watched the video below:

Island Map (Feb 10) - Jeramiah, Katie, Kaybree Z

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 (Day 5)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we watched the end of Act 1 of the Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet and started to watch Act 1 of West Side Story. If you were absent listen to announcement for when they will be re-shown at a noon hour after the break.
Vocab Lesson 5 (Jan. 21) - Parker, Kaden
Outsiders Final Project (Jan. 24) - Kaden, Weston, Parker, Adam, Tristin, Emma, Owen, Kelsey, Kylie, Kyle, Taelyn


The students finished correcting page 22.  Then we discussed Map Your Country using political maps and other types of maps including:  topographical, choropleth, weather, and thematic maps. In the new package students completed pages 24-27 (except for number 6 on page 27.) They also competed page 29 on Map Your Continent.
Island Map (Feb 10) - Kaybree Z, Katie L, Jeremiah


The students read silently for ten minutes.  They handed in yesterday's questions. Today everyone was assigned a Greek god or goddess to research and given time to do jot notes. Their information is to be put into a Google Slideshow, which is set up on Google Classroom.  Presentations will be due on Friday.
Bifocal Project (Jan 24) - Madison, Cory, Morgan, Phoenix
Before/During/After Creation Myth (Feb 5) - Kaden, Morgan, Phoenix, Maison
Representing Creation Myth (Feb 7) - Kaden, Jayden, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Christian

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 (Day 4)


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we continued on with Lesson 1 of "Words Are Important" by finishing the definitions and part B.  The students are working on part C and will have a few minutes to finish up before we correct next class.


Today we discussed Population maps and did pages 19-23 in the handout, except p-22 #3-7, which we'll correct tomorrow.


The students read for ten minutes silently.  We did the set-up and testing to determine levels for SRA's (reading and vocabulary practice).  We also had time to correct the questions for yesterday's story about the Greek Creation myth. Miss Riddell is taking in the second side tomorrow.


Today we discussed the Internet Safety questions that the students completed last day.  Then we did some activities using Google docs and Word about how to format documents.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020 (Day 3)


If you were absent Friday finish your Island map for tomorrow.
Today we read about Weather Maps and did some reading, discussion, and questions.  If you were absent get a handout from Miss Riddell.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their pages read for the last week.  Then we started to watch Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet, the Franco Zeffirelli version.  If you were absent it will be re-shown over a noon.


Today was a finish up day.
1. Interview write-ups from the interviews done over Christmas.
Overdue:  Daphney, Chris, Morgan, Toby, Steyn, Mikael (add to), Deacon, Bree, Easton
2. Career Poster
Overdue:  JAred, Danielle, Camara, Daphney, Chris, Mogran, Tobi, Steyn, Layne, Mikael, Deacon, Krislynn, Molly, Easton
3.  Plan for your resume.  Have 2 references and at least 2 artifacts for next class.


The students read silently for ten minutes and tallied their pages read for the last week. Then we started to look at Greek Creation stories.  We read “The Coming of All Things” The Greek Creators and discussed. Students were to finish the questions on the story for tomorrow.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Friday, February 7, 2020 (Day 2)


The students had this class to do a good copy of their island.  They need to make it neat, colour it, and check to make sure they have all the elements from page 12 of their package, except f (no index needed).  The map is due at the end of the class today or Monday if you were absent today.  If they got finished early they had time to work on a Google Earth Scavenger Hunt.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  They then had time to do the following:
a) Finish the overdue (Feb. 5) Before-During-After activity for one of the third, fourth, fifth or sixth Creation story.
b) Finish the Representing Activity.  Choose any Creation story 1-6 and make a representation of the story on an 8 x 11 sheet.  Write a short summary of the story on the back. (Due Monday.)
c) Add the B-D-A story to your chart.
d) Read the other 3 Creation stories and add to your chart.
e) Finish other over due assignments, homework or silent read.

Bifocal Project (Jan. 24th) - Kaden, Jayden, Cory, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Grace, Jayce
BDA Creation Story (Feb 5th) - Morgan, Madison

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  We corrected Act 1, Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet, read Scene 5, did the questions and corrected.  All answers for Act 1 are posted on Google Classroom. On Monday we will start watching 2 versions of Act 1 and doing an analysis of them.
Vocab Unit 5 (Jan 21) - Kaden, Parker
The Outsiders Final Project (Jan. 24th)  - Kaden, Weston, Parker, Tristin, Emma, Adam (planning sheet), Owen, Kelsey, Kylie, Kyle, Taelyn

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wednesday, February 5, 2020 (Day 6)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we read Act 1, Scene 3 or Romeo and Juliet, did the questions and corrected. We also had time to read Act 1, Scene 4 and do the questions.  We'll correct on Friday.  If you were absent there is a copy of the Romeo and Juliet play and a copy of the questions posted in Google Classroom.  The answers will be posted when we finish the entire Act.


The students watched the second half of Degrassi:  The Next Generation (Mother and Child Reunion) about Internet safety.  After we were done the students did some Internet Safety questions (on Google Classroom).  If they had time left over they worked on Hour of Code.


The students read for ten minutes silently.  Then they continued work on a creation story of their choice, with activities for each of the beginning, during, and after choices presented in the assignment.  Due today.  Then students started a representation activity where they need to choose one of the six creation stories we have read and make a visual representation of the story (including characters, settings, and important events). Due Friday.


Today we finished up searching for bodies of water and some mountains on Google Earth.  We corrected and then students started to plan out their own islands following directions on their sheet. We'll finish up a good copy during Friday's class.  Bring your pencil crayons.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 (Day 5)

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read silently for ten minutes. Then we corrected the questions for Scene 1 of  "Romeo and Juliet" before reading Scene 2, doing the questions, and correcting them.

Lesson 5 Vocab (Jan 21) - Kaden and Parker
The Outsiders Final Project (Jan 24) - Kaden, Weston, Parker, Adam, Tristin, Emma, Owen, Kenzie, Kylie, Kyle, Taelyn


The students finished discussing some basic map terminology.  They answered questions about his terminology (page 11 #4-9) and then used Google Earth to find the countries from latitude and  longitude coordinates.  We corrected page 10 #1.


The students read for ten minutes.  Then we discussed the creation story we read yesterday "The Earth on Turtle's Back" and added to the chart of stories.  Then the students were allowed to choose one more Creation Story from their booklet.  For that story they must choose and do one of each Before, During, and After activities. Students then had time to read their story and get started. They will have time to finish this tomorrow.
Bifocal Final Project (Jan. 24) - Kaden, Jayden, Cory, Morgan, Phoenix, Madison, Grace, Jayce

Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020 (Day 4)

Welcome to Term Two!


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we started our vocabulary study using Words Are Important.  Together we found the definitions for the first 9 words in lesson one, discussed and recorded them.  If you were absent get the notes from someone before next day 4.


First day of this term and class so we went through expectations and signed out our textbooks. Then we started discussing maps, which is our first unit.  We discussed titles, authors, date, scale, latitude, longitude, legends, indexes.


The students read silently for ten minutes.  Then we read the story "How Raven Created the World" and did the questions on it.  We also added it to our chart of stories.  We also read the story "The Earth on Turtle's Back" and will discuss the questions and comparison chart about it tomorrow.


The class finished discussing the jot notes on "OUR CONNECTED LIFE."  Then we watched the first half of a Degrassi The Next Generation about Internet Safety.