Computers 8
Today the students started looking at privacy on-line. They read a comic about
Social Smarts. Then they made jot notes on a variety of topics, aided by this
website on Privacy. If you were absent please go on Google Classroom and get caught up. We will be discussing tomorrow.
French 7B
Three students were in the Chaise Chaud answering questions about their class. Then they had work time to finish up their verb comic. Their cartoons are due next day (tomorrow) and must include:
- 6 complete sentences (Je regarde les oiseaux.)
- include at least on er, ir, and re verb, but each sentence must have a verb
- 6 pictures
- colour
The students had 20 minutes of silent reading and then continued watching Act 3 of the Stratford play version of Romeo and Juliet. The students will be doing a comparison after they watched Act 3 of the Carlei movie version.
We also discussed the paragraphs they wrote about their strengths and weaknesses in the fall and how the writing of paragraphs in general can be improved.
French 10/20/30
The students discussed their endangered animals in a question and answer session. They then had their second last class work time on their poster, which is due tomorrow by the end of class tomorrow.
The students had 10 minutes of silent reading and then finished watching Act 3 of the Stratford play version of Romeo and Juliet.