Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday, February 3, 2017 - Day 6

*PD Day Monday, February 6th so no classes for students.

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We did a little bit of review and then students wrote their exam on past tense using avoir.  We finished up with a couple of games to practice numbers.

French 10/20/30

The students did their first summative oral assessment by discussing a family member.  They then had class time to finish their written poster about their family.  The poster must include: mom, dad, one sibling, themselves, and pets. Information about each person should include:  age, birthday, hair, eyes, job, and likes,   Posters are due Tuesday.

ELA 9A & 9B

The students silent read for 10 minutes.  Then students did a new blog post updating and reflecting on their progress so far.  It should include the following information:
  1. Update on what they have done so far.
  2. Two difficulties they have encountered and how they are going to (or have already) overcome them.
  3. Two new things they have learned or discovered and where they found the information.
  4. Two new things they want to research on their topic.

This blog post should be well written using paragraphs, proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
*Several students are missing blog posts.  Make sure you have blog posts completed on the following:
  1. an introduction
  2. sources (may be tabs or a list of links)
  3. plan outline
  4. essential question 
  5. poster 
  6. today's reflection

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