Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016 - Day 4

ELA 9A & 9B

The students silent read and we discussed the upcoming ACTIVATE campaign.  Four students, Kenny, Carlynn, Landon, and Morgan, volunteered to be Activators for grade 9.  Thank-you!

We then finished reading The Outsiders.  Next we re-read the short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter.  If you were absent, please read before tomorrow, at the following link:

We also started a compare and contrast chart for The Outsiders and "On the Sidewalk Bleeding."  Please get a copy from Miss Riddell if you were absent.  The next three classes we will have visiting film makers as guests and we will be using the Sidewalk story for a project.

*If you have not picked up your fruit make sure to do so by Friday. Please & thanks!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2106 - Day 3

Computers 8

The students had time to finish their storyboards and most did.  A few will be finishing up their last panels tomorrow.  The students who were done got a chance to find some backgrounds for green-screening their storyboard.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We discussed their tests and most will be reassessing on Wednesday, December 7th.  They need to MEMORIZE the following and then read over their notes for what the sentences mean in English:

AVOIR (to have)                           ÊTRE (to be)
J'ai (I have)                                     Je suis (I am)
Tu as (You (s) have)                       Tu es (you (s) are)
Il a (He has)                                    Il est (He is)    
Elle a (She has)                               Elle est (She is)
On a (One has)                                On est (One is) 
Nous avons (We have)                    Nous sommes (We are)
Vous avez (You (pl) have)              Vous  êtes (You (pl) are)
Ils ont (They (m) have)                   Ils sont (They (m) are)
Elles ont (They (f) have)                 Elles sont (They (f) are)

French 8 B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we discussed the video from last class, discussed the rubric for reading, and started reading an article on Indila after we watched one of her music videos.


The students silent read and then completed the questions from chapter 9 & 10 of The Outsiders.  We then corrected those questions, read chapter 11 and started chapter 12.


The students silent read and then we corrected the questions from chapter 9 & 10 of The Outsiders.  We then  read chapter 11 and started chapter 12.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday, November 28, 2016 - Day 3

*Today was a shortened day due to early dismissal.

French 8A & French 8B

The students discussed the viewing/listening rubric and then watched Episode One of Extra @ Francais.  They then summarized the episode.  We'll discuss next class.

French 7A

The students discussed the viewing/listening rubric and then watched L'aventure en route.  They then summarized the show.  We'll discuss next class.

French 7B

The students wrote their avoir and etre quiz.  We'll go through next class.


Driver's Ed


The students silent read and had time to complete the questions for chapters 9 & 10 of The Outsiders.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Thursday & Friday, November 24 & 25, 2016 - Day 6 & 1

*Monday is an alternate day and students will have an early dismissal at 2:15 pm.

Computers 8

The students have all begun (and a couple have finished) storyboarding the short story they wrote.  They will have one more class to finish their 15 panels with images, directions, shot information, action, and dialogue.

French 7A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we practiced talking about how we get to school and how close we live to school.  Next we learned some more vocabulary for various types of transportation.
We also discussed the names for the provinces and territories in French and identified them on a map.  We then practiced this knowledge and our numbers by playing two Kahoots.

French 8A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The students received their verb exams back and, if necessary, have a chance to reassess on Tuesday, November 29th at noon.  Then we went over the names of instruments in French and how to describe a person's hair, eyes, and clothing.  We started to describe Santa and will continue next class.

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We discussed more adjectives to use when describing someone or something.  The students also learned how to analyze a song.  We then listened to a Justin Beiber song and everyone analyzed the song and turned in their analysis.

ELA 9A & 9B

After silent reading we corrected the questions from chapter 7 & 8.  If you were absent please hand in to Miss Riddell for feedback.  We then read chapters 9 & 10 and watched the video of these chapters.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016 - Day 5

Computers 8

The students took the story they wrote last day and broke it down into a Shot List.  If your story or shot list are not finished they are due tomorrow, as we start storyboarding then.  We will be meeting in room 210 tomorrow and for the next few classes.  Bring your pencil cases.

ELA 9 A & B

The students had silent reading time both classes and should be recording their reading on the new purple Reading Log sheet.  We also finished up Chapter 7 and the questions about The Outsiders.  We also read chapter 8, discussed hyperbole (watch the Lit Term video here) and onomatopoeia, and watched the movie before doing some questions on chapters 7 and 8.  If you were absent check your e-mail for the question sheets.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 - Day 4

ELA 9A & 9B

Today the students silent read, handed in their pink reading log, and started a new purple reading log.  If you were absent be prepared to hand in your pink log next class.  Then a few sheets were returned before we started reading chapter 7.  If you were absent please read chapter 7 for next class.  9A has a few pages to finish up in the chapter and 9B finished and started their questions.  I e-mailed the questions to those in 9B who were absent.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016 - Day 3

*No school for students on Monday due to  PD Day.

Computers 8

Today the students finished watching a video about storyboarding and then worked on a creative 7-9 line story (one paragraph) that they are going to turn into a storyboard.  Check out all the requirements on Google Classroom if you were absent.

French 7B

The students completed their sheet on Etre.  We did new Chaise Chaud questions on our families.  Then the students practiced Avoir and Etre, using Kahoot, for their summative test on Monday, November 28th.  Don't forget to study!

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud and they received back their comparison practice sheets.  Using the formula  

Person #1 est PLUS  ______________ QUE person #2.  
                      MOINS   (adjective)

Person#1 is MORE   ______________ THAN person#2

Students then made a Pic Collage showing 2 singers and comparing them in at least 4 sentences.  The students added a title (with the singer's names) and their name, before e-mailing it to Miss Riddell.

ELA 9A & 9B

Students silent read for 10 minutes.  We watched the movie version of The Outsiders for chapter 5 & 6 and completed and corrected out chapter 5&6 questions.  Miss Riddell will be taking in the last page on Tuesday if it was not done today.
If you were absent and missed the movie today I will replay it over lunch on Monday.  Come to my room at noon.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thursday, November 17, 2106 - Day 2

French 8A

The students had their summative verb test on "er", "ir", and "re" verbes today.  We also started to discuss our new theme of music and did vocabulary for different genres of music and started learning names of various instruments.

French 7A

Most of the students re-assessed their knowledge of Avoir and Etre.  Then three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We have a new topic about our homes.  We also practiced discussing how we get to school and whether we live near or far from the school.

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We went through the answers for the comparison sheet sentences from yesterday.  Then the students worked on describing nouns and verbs as good, better or the best.  

French 7B

The students reviewed Avoir and Etre. We decided to have their test on Monday, November 28th as they weren't ready for tomorrow and that is our next class.  They promised to study next week.

ELA 9A & 9B

Both classes silent read and then we finished discussing the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost.  Then we read chapter 6 of "The Outsiders" and started some questions on that chapter.  If you were absent check your e-mail for the sheets.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - Day 1

Computers 8

The students watched a video on shot types and setting up for filming.  They had time to finish their shot type assignment.  They also watched part of a video on story boarding.

French 8A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then the students reviewed for their summative verb quiz, and had about two minutes to work on their verb cartoon (it is homework if it is not finished,)



French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud and then we discussed how to compare people or items in French using adverbs and adjectives.  The students wrote sentences comparing two singers. 
Example:  Katey Perry est plus fameuse que Lady Gaga.
                 Katey Perry is more famous than Lady Gaga.

plus adjective que            more ____________ than
moins adjective que         less _____________ than
aussi adjective que           as ______________ as (same as)


The students silent read.  Then we corrected the questions about chapter 5 of The Outsiders.  The students then worked in pairs to analyze the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost.  We
will finish this up next class.

French 7A

We finished our review of Avoir and Etre for the reassessments tomorrow.  The students then completed a new set of Chaise Chaud questions.

* Our Student Led Conferences for grades 10-12 are tonight but feel free to come if you missed last night.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 - Day 6

Computers 8

As a class we discussed the various camera framing techniques, camera movements, and camera compositions used in Shot Types.  Students need to add to their groups descriptions for next class.


The students read to themselves, watched chapter 4, and then we read Chapter 5 of "The Outsiders."  We did questions on the chapter and then worked in pairs to analyze the Robert Frost poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay." I e-mailed copies of the questions to your lskysd e-mail if you were absent.  


The students read to themselves, watched chapter 4, and then we read Chapter 5 of "The Outsiders."  We did questions on the chapter. 

French 7A

Three students did Chaise Chaud.  We discussed the student's first test on avoir and etre and many people need to reassess.  We did some reviewing, will finish up the review tomorrow, and then reassess on Thursday.  If you were absent see Miss Riddell for the review sheets.

*Tonight are SLC's for grades 7-9 from 4:30 - 8:00 pm.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016 - Day 5

*NO SCHOOL Friday and Monday.  Enjoy your long weekend and thank a veteran!

*Tuesday will be the Junior (7-9) Student Led Conferences from 4:30 - 8:00 pm. Report cards will be available at this time.

ELA 9A & 9B

Today the students had double ELA classes so they read twice.  We also read Chapter 4 of "The Outsiders" and did questions on the chapter.  If you were absent hand in your questions next day so I can correct them for you.
We also assembled our SLC binders with strength and area of improvement paragraphs and some samples of ELA work.  I hope students will be adding other evidence of their learning, from other subjects, before SLC's on Tuesday.
Any outstanding assignments need to be in by midnight tonight or they will appear as IE (insufficient evidence) on report cards.

Computers 8

The students had this class to finish work on different shot types for filming and catch up outstanding summative assessments.

*Congratulations to Carlynn & Kenny on their poetry wins from the Legion.

I Know war
by Carlynn

I know war.

I know many soldiers fought,
For a freedom that could not be bought.

I know they all had important roles,
But the memories of war,
Would leave them unwhole.

I know there were countless times,
The brave men and women wished,
To be home instead of at war, confined.

I know thy fought through the cold December,
So we would remember,
The sacrifices they made.

I don’t know war.

I don’t know the thoughts that went through their heads,
As they laid terrified in their beds.

I don’t know the things they saw,
Guns being fired, piercing bullets,
Into their friends, raw.

I don’t know how many wives cried,
When they were informed,
That their loved ones had died.

I don’t know the unimaginable pain they felt,
As they smelt
The powder from the gun.

I like to think I know,
What the soldiers went through,
But I really don’t know,
What the soldiers did for me and you.

War is not like in Video Games
By Kenny

War is not like in video games
When you die you don’t get another shot
People you know get affected
You are not some invincible man
One shot can kill you

War is not like in video games
You are not a one man army
You need to work together
You will lose other soldiers
There are friends that will die

War is not like in video games
There are close calls to actual death
You will see others die
You will be emotionally scarred
You will be completely changed

War is not like in video games
You will never be the same
Unsee what you have seen
Never be able to describe what happened
People won't know the pain

War is not like in video games
People will stare at you
With respect or curiosity
It will be hard to adjust back
War has effects on people

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - Day 4


Today the students had a shortened class as UCHS had its annual Remembrance Day Service.  The students had time to read and we discussed the literary term "irony."  Please get the notes if you were absent.  Thank-you to the 5 students who agreed to read their poems at the service:  Lilleanne, Taylor, Rachel, Dinithi, and Landon.  You all did a wonderful job!

* Grade 9's need to have their binder for SLC's in class tomorrow.

*Any outstanding ELA 9 assignments (Remembrance Day poems, The Outsiders - character paragraph, Moose story from OSD) need to be in tomorrow or they will be marked as IE or NYM for the upcoming report card.

* Tomorrow is a regular school day and students have Friday and Monday off for a four day weekend.  :) 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 - Day 3

*Tomorrow is our Remembrance Day service, starting around 2:00 pm.  Thank-you to Rachel, Taylor, Lilleanne, Landon, and Dinithi for agreeing to share their poems.  Everyone please dress respectfully.

Computers 8

The students started compiling definitions and examples of various types of shots used in film making.

French 7B

The students finished correcting avoir and etre and then started creating a cartoon using the verbs.

French 8B

The students received their formative feedback on descrbing a person's clothing, hair, and eyes.  They then used this knowledge, and PicCollage on the iPads, for a summative assessment, in which they described a singer.


Both classes read for ten minutes and then edited and created good copies of their strength and area of improvement paragraphs for the upcoming Student Led Conferences.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016 - Day 2

French 8A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  All three formative exams for "er", "ir" and "re" verbs were returned.  Students worked on their cartoon using all three of these verb types, which is due next class.  We also started a review sheet using all three types of verbs.  We will continuing practicing the verbs and the summative exam will be on Friday, November 17th.

French 7A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Students wrote their exam on avoir and etre.  We also started discussion phrases for our next unit on taking a trip.

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We practiced writing descriptions of what a person's hair, eyes, mouth and height are like and the clothing they are wearing.  The students handed in 2 descriptions for a formative assessment.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed avoir and etre and finished correcting our Avoir sheet from last day.  Then the students started a sheet using both avoir and etre.  We started to correct and will finish tomorrow.

ELA 9A & 9B

Students received their school pictures.  The students silent read. Their Remembrance Day poems were returned and several people from each class agreed to read their poems at our school service on Wednesday at 2:00 pm.  We corrected the questions from Chapter 3 of "The Outsiders" and watched the movie version. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday, November 4, 2016 - Day 1

*Your fruit sales should have been handed in today!

Computers 8

The students had today to complete their comparisons of two production processes.  Several students are missing summative assessments and need to get them done or will be receiving an insufficient evidence or not yet met on their upcoming report card.

French 8A

The students wrote their "re" verb quiz and we started a new Chaise Chaud on "Ma Famille."  They also started a cartoon using "re", "ir", and "re" verbs.  Next week we will review all three verb families and then they will have a summative assessment.  We may not get his done before report cards but you can see their formative quiz results on Teacher Logic.

French 8B

The students started a new Chaise Chaud on "La Musique" and then reviewed describing a person's hair, eyes, height, and clothing.


The students read on their own and then we read chapter 3 of  "The Outsiders" and did the chapter questions.  If you missed class today you can catch up on the reading here:

French 7A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we reviewed avoir and  êtes for their quiz on Monday.

J'ai (I have)                 Nous avons (We have)
Tu as (You (s) have)   Vous avez (You (pl) have)
Il a (He has)                Ils ont (They (m) have)
Elle a (She has)           Elles ont (They (f) have)
On a (One has)

Je suis (I am)                Nous sommes (We are)
Tu es (You (s) are)        Vous êtes  (You (pl) are)
Il est (He is)                  Ils sont (They (m) are)
Elle est (She is)             Elles sont (They (f) are)
On est (One is)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016 - Day 6

*FRUIT SALES due tomorrow!

Computers 8

Students had a second class to finish their production stages comparisons.  Several students have outcomes which they need to finish or may choose to re-assess.  All reassessments must be done by next Thursday to appear on their Report Cards.


The students read and then edited their paragraphs on a character from "The Outsiders."  Five students edited for grammar, accuracy, and organization (introduction, body and conclusion.)  The students then completed a good copy, printed out 2 good copies and handed them and their edited copy in.  Then we read chapter 3 and answered questions on it. 


The students read and then edited their paragraphs on a character from "The Outsiders."  Five students edited for grammar, accuracy, and organization (introduction, body and conclusion.)  The students then completed a good copy, printed out 2 good copies and handed them and their edited copy in.

*ELA 9's if you were away today check your e-mail for catch-up information.

French 7A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  We reviewed etre and avoir and the students finished their cartoon.  We practiced etre and avoir in preparation for their quiz on Monday, November 7th.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Tuesday, November 2, 2016 - Day 4 & Wednesday, November 3, 2016 - Day 5

Computers 8

The students have the next two classes to turn the information, which we collected last class, into a comparison chart of two types of productions and each stage of production.  This is a summative assessment of their word processing skills and their knowledge of production stages.


The students read and wrote paragraphs on their strengths and areas of improvement for Student Led Conferences. We also discussed and corrected questions about chapters one and two of "The Outsiders."  The students created a chart with information about all the main characters on Google Classroom.  They then started a rough draft of a paragraph about one character, which is due tomorrow.
*Anyone with outstanding assignments for either their Remembrance Day poem or the Orange Shirt Day story has until Friday to complete them and after that they will be marked as not yet met for Report Cards.