Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday, October 3, 2016 - Day 3

Computers 8

The students received a summative mark on their computer privacy plan.  Most were below a 3 as they were missing either:
  • information, a picture, or a link for each item they discussed
  • information from most of the areas we discussed in class (ex: passwords, friends, on-line reputation, sexting, and so on)
As a result they had this class to add to their plans and resubmit them for re-evaluation.  They also had time to finish up other assignments such as: Final Searching Summative Assignment, Word Practice 1 & 2, and the Word poster.

French 7B

The students went though the questions and answers for Chaise Chaud (or the Hot Seat) where students will be practicing their asking and answering questions skills in upcoming classes.

French 8B

Students went through their "er" formative verb quizzes and practiced their "ir" verb conjugations with a kahoot.  We will have an "ir" formative verb quiz next class, Friday, October 7th.


The students read and then began sharing their "15 Minutes of Fame" writing piece.  Each student received another student's piece of writing and then had time to prepare before presenting it to the class; focusing on eye contact, volume, enunciation, tone, and emotion.  After each piece was read the class guessed who had written it and the reader was given feedback on their presenting skills.


The students read and then we finished discussing Ken Dryden's "The Game" before students began writing a one page article or interview about their imaginary 15 minutes of fame.

*Both grade 9 classes have students who need to finish up their Bio Poem videos and the Google Classroom assignment from Friday.  Please get those done as soon as possible.  Thanks!

* All classes received new seating plans as it is the first school day of the new month.

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