Monday, October 31, 2016

Friday, October 29th (Day 2) & Monday, October 31st (Day 3)

Happy Halloween!

Computers 8

The students finished up researching pre-production, production, and post-production steps for films, tv/webisodes. and music/radio.

French 8A

The students had their "ir" verb quiz and then three were in the Chaise Chaud.  Then we introduced and practiced "re" verbs.  They will have a formative "re" verb quiz next class - Friday, Nov. 4th.

French 7A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud and after reviewing avoir and etre the students started to create a comic using those two verbs.

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud chair each class.  The students wrote their summative verb quiz on Friday and received their results today.  Those wishing to reassess a portion of their quiz need to be in Miss Riddell's room at lunch on Thursday, November 3rd.  today we also started discussing music genres and instruments.

French 7B

The students completed their TTFM surveys on Friday and today after three were in the Chaise Chaud we learned to conjugate avoir and practiced this skill.


The students silent read and then we read chapter two of The Outsiders and watched the first 2 chapters on the video.  The students also worked on questions for chapters 1 & 2.  These questions are due for Wednesday's class.


The students silent read and then we finished reading chapter two of The Outsiders and watched the first 2 chapters on the video.  The students also worked on questions for chapters 1 & 2.  They will have a bit more work time for the questions during Wednesday's class.

If you miss part of the novel in class you can find an audiobook of "The Outsiders" here:

However, it may not play on your phone so you may need to listen to it on your computer.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016 - Day 1

Computers 8

Students worked in groups learning about the pre-production, production, and post-productions stages of creating television/web, films/movies, and music/radio.  Next day we'll pool our knowledge.

French 8A

The students did their Tell Them From Me surveys.  Next class (tomorrow) is the "IR" verb quiz, so don't forget to study!

French 8B

The students did their Tell Them From Me surveys.  Next class (tomorrow) is the "ER, IR and RE" verb exam, so don't forget to study!

French 7A

The students did their Tell Them From Me surveys. 


The students read, finished discussing chapter one of "The Outsiders," and discussed similes/metaphors and foreshadowing/flashbacks.
If you were absent for chapter one or would like to hear it again you may go to this site:
for an audiobook.

*Tomorrow is a Black & Orange Spirit Day.  Sell some fruit too please!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - Day 6

Computers 8

The students watched a video on how Old Spice commercials are made and then discussed how ads like this are planned, edited, and shot and what is needed at each step.


The students read and then we read the first chapter of "The Outsiders" and then did questions about the chapter and the characters.


The students read and then did questions about the first chapter and the characters of "The Outsiders."

French 7A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The class then reviewed the verbs avoir and etre ad finished a sheet that practiced conjugating them.

*Tomorrow is TWIN DAY!  Don't forget to sell some fruit too!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - Day 5


The students read and recorded their goals for a new week.  In period 2 the students set up a Weebly website.  If you have not turned in your website permission form lease do so ASAP. The students also finished an introduction to the novel "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton and watched short videos on protagonists, antagonists, antiheroes, foils, characterization, and point of view.  If you were absent please get the notes from Miss Riddell.


The students read and recorded their goals for a new week.  If you have not turned in your website permission form lease do so ASAP. The students also finished an introduction to the novel "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton and watched short videos on protagonists, antagonists, antiheroes, foils, characterization, and point of view.  If you were absent please get the notes from Miss Riddell.  We also read the first chapter of the novel.

Computers 8

The students had this class to finish up their summative assessment for spreadsheets.  It is now homework and needs to be done and turned in on Google Classroom as soon as possible.  

*Tomorrow is Plaid Day and please don't forget to sell some fruit or cookie dough.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016 - Day 4

*No school Monday due to PD.

*Tuesday is Pajama Day!

ELA 9A & 9B

Today we read in both classes and then started an introduction to our novel "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton.  If you were absent please sign out a copy of the novel from the library.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016 - Day 3

Computer 8

The students started their summative spreadsheet task.  The students are creating a budget for an item, or items, they wish to buy and the money they will earn towards it's purchase. This assignment is due at the end of class on Tuesday and is available on Google Classroom.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The class then reviewed the verb etre and practiced conjugating it.

French 8B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud.  The class then reviewed the "er", "ir", and "re" for their summative test on Friday, October 28th,


The students read and then we started creating their student websites.  If you have not returned your website permission form please do ASAP.
Overdue Remembrance Day Poems:  Ryan, Seth, Brandon, Alexis, and Tyson


The students read and then had their last class to work on the good copies of their Remembrance Day poems.  Poems need to be handed in ASAP.  Cover page and good copy for the Legion and good copy, rough copy, and rubric for me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - Day 2

French 8A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud today.  We then finished correcting the "ir" verb sheet. There will be an "ir" formative verb quiz on Friday, October 28th.  Next class we will be completing the TTFM survey.

French 7A

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud today.  We then reviewed pronouns, avoir and etre.  The students then started working on a sheet conjugating both avoir and etre.

French 8B

The students wrote their formative "re" verb quiz.  Three students were in the Chaise Chaud today. We then worked on a verb sheet to practice "er", "ir" and "re". There will be a summative verb quiz on Friday, October 28th.  Next class we will be completing the TTFM survey.

French 7B

Three students were in the Chaise Chaud today.  We then reviewed pronouns and started to conjugate the verb etre.


The students read and than had a final class to finish up their Remembrance Day poems.  They need to print a good copy with title page for the Legion and put together a good copy, their rough copy (with editor signatures), and their rubric.  Information can be found on Google Classroom.


The students read and than had a final class to work on their Remembrance Day poems.  Good copies are due tomorrow and the students will need to print a good copy with title page for the Legion and put together a good copy, their rough copy (with editor signatures), and their rubric.  Information can be found on Google Classroom.

*Website permission forms are now overdue for the following students:

Wyatt, Zenon, Seth, Lilleanne, Ryan, Tyson, Alexis, Rachel, Morgan, Logan, Shaun, Tadd, Tristan, Sam, Madison and Eric

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - Day 1

*Picture retakes at 8:45 am tomorrow (Wednesday) at Unity Public School in the gym.

Computers 8

We finished up working with averaging and other formulas on the Reading Log spreadsheet in Google Classroom.  Students then signed up for a Scratch account and started learning how to use this programming site.

French 8A

After Chaise Chaud the students wrote their formative "er" verb quiz and started working with "ir" verbs.

French 8B

After Chaise Chaud the students reviewed "er" "ir" and "re" verbs. They have a formative "re" quiz on Wed. Oct. 19th


Students read and then had time to edit their Remembrance Day poems before starting their good copies.  Poems are due tomorrow.

French 7A

The students practiced a new Chaise Chaud question set.  They had a pop quiz on pronouns and practiced counting with the number game.

Monday, October 17, 2016 - Day 6

* Bio poem videos were due Friday, Sept. 30th (My room will be open in am (8:30 everyday), at lunch (everyday) and after-school (except Wed) all this week.  Get them done:  Alexis, Ryan, Rachel, Shaun, Tadd, Madison, Sam

Computers 8

We did some work with spreadsheets using a reading goal and log sheet.  See Google Classroom if you were absent.


The students had two classes to work on the rough draft of their Remembrance Day poem and editing with classmates.  Good copy will be due on Thursday, October 20th.


The students had one class to work on the rough draft of their Remembrance Day poem and editing with classmates.  The have one more class and the the good copy will be due on Wednesday, October 19th.

French 7A

The students wrapped up our first Chaise Chaud sheet and finished correcting the AVOIR sheet.  We reviewed Avoir and Etre conjugations and played the number game.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday, October 14, 2016 - Day 5

* Monday is an Early Dismissal Day with shorter classes.


The students read and then started working on their poems for the Legion's Remembrance Day Literary Contest. Rubrics and other information can be found on Google Classroom.  Students should be done a rough copy for class on Monday.


The students finished up the last CAT test, read and then started working on their poems for the Legion's Remembrance Day Literary Contest. Rubrics and other information can be found on Google Classroom.  Students should be done a rough copy for class on Monday.

Computers 8

The students worked on part 2 of the Go Team activity using spreadsheets.  This should have been finished by the end of class today.

*Good luck to the football and volleyball players this weekend!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016 - Day 4

CAT Testing 

Grade 9's finished CAT testing except for Spelling for 9A, which we will do tomorrow in ELA.  9B's are finished unless they missed a day of testing.  Mrs. Snell will catch up those students who missed a session of testing.


The students read, updated their Reading Pages and Goals on Google Classroom, and then finished up outstanding assignments.  
The following students owe me:
Bio Poem Videos (due Fri. Sept. 30th) - Shaun, Tadd, Madison, Tristan, Sam and Kira
Orange Shirt Day "Moose" story (due Fri. Sept. 30) - Shaun, Tristan, Sam and Ryelee

I'm missing website permission forms from:

9A - Wyatt, Kyle, Zenon, Seth, Lilleanne, Ryan, Taylor, Kenny, Tyson, Sarina, Alexis, and Rachel
9B - Morgan, Kylie, Logan, Shaun, Tadd, Tristan, Sam, Madison, and Eric

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - Day 3

ELA 9A & 9B

All the students, who were present, wrote the first selection of CAT tests today.  We will continue tomorrow to finish them up.  Tomorrow 9B will write during periods 1-3 and 9A will write during periods 4-6.  Please bring a pencil, eraser, calculator, centimeter ruler and reading book when you come to Miss Riddell's room.  If you missed tests today you will be completing them on Friday with Mrs. Snell.

* If you have not turned in your website permission form please do so ASAP.

Computers 8

Part 2 of the "Go Team" spreadsheet assignment is posted on Google Classroom.

French 8B

Students created a comic using the verb conjugations we have been reviewing in class.  Comics are due at the start of next class on Tuesday, October 18th.


Students had a chance to catch-up on some overdue/missed work.  Bio Poems: Alexis, Brandon, Seth, Ryan, Tyrell, Tyson, and Rachel.  Orange Shirt Day "Moose" story:  Rachel, Lilly, Alexis, Ryan, Seth, Taylor, Tyson, Connor, Wyatt, and Brandon.  Storming Juno (pt 1):  Jillian
All students should have inputted their Reading Pages and Goals for the last two weeks on Google Classroom.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - Day 2

*Grade 9's have CAT testing tomorrow.  Get a good night's rest and eat breakfast to ensure you are ready.

French 8A

The students did a Chaise Chaud activity and the continued to work on "er" verbs.  Today "ger" verbs such as manger and "cer" verbs such as commencer were discussed.  The students will be having a formative quiz on "er" verbs next class (Tuesday, October 18th) so please study.

French 8B

The students did a Chaise Chaud activity and the started to work on "re" verbs.

French 7A

The students did a Chaise Chaud activity and then worked with pronouns:
Je (I)              Nous (We)
Tu (You (s))  Vous (You (pl))
Il (He)           Ils (They (m))
Elle (She)      Elles (They (f))
On (One)

They also began conjugating the verb "avoir."

French 7B

The students did a Chaise Chaud activity and then worked with pronouns:
Je (I)              Nous (We)
Tu (You (s))  Vous (You (pl))
Il (He)           Ils (They (m))
Elle (She)      Elles (They (f))
On (One)

They began conjugating the verb "etre."

ELA 9A & 9B

The students read and recorded their pages in their log.  Then they continued to watch "Storming Juno."  An interactive site for the film may be found here.
Storming Juno

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016 - Day 6

Computers 8

Today we watched two videos on spreadsheets and started to work with a spreadsheet using formulas.  You can view the videos and do the activity on Google Classroom if you were absent.


The students read and then we discussed a variety of poems looking at rhyme scheme (or lack there of), meter, tempo, and message. The poems are posted on Google Classroom if you were absent.

French 7A

The students started to write the CAT tests so had no French today.


The students read and then we discussed a variety of poems looking at rhyme scheme (or lack there of), meter, tempo, and message.  We also started to watch Storming Juno.

There is an interactive site, which accompanies the film.  Storming Juno

*Website forms are due ASAP.  Thanks!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - Day 5


Today the students read and then they finished presentations.  We discussed a profile written about Dennis Shappa who as a teenager suffered an aneurism and lost his short term memory.  As a class we compiled a timeline slideshow of Dennis, his injury, and his recovery.
We also started to discuss D Day and the poems the students will be writing for the annual Legion contest.

Computers 8

The students took their privacy plan and showed what they knew about Microsoft Word to "make it pretty."  This was a summative task and we are moving on to a new topic next class.


Today the students read and then they finished presentations.  We discussed a profile written about Dennis Shappa who as a teenager suffered an aneurism and lost his short term memory.  As a class we compiled a timeline slideshow of Dennis, his injury, and his recovery.
We also started to discuss D Day and the poems the students will be writing for the annual Legion contest.

* If you have not done so please return your signed Website Form as soon as possible.

*Photos were due today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016 - Day 4

*The grade 9's received a permission form to let them create public websites. Please sign and return tomorrow if possible.


Today the students read and then finished presenting the student writing on 15 Minutes of Fame.  They then prepared to read a profile by Dennis Shappa.


The students read and then began sharing their "15 Minutes of Fame" writing piece.  Each student received another student's piece of writing and then had time to prepare before presenting it to the class; focusing on eye contact, volume, enunciation, tone, and emotion.  After each piece was read the class guessed who had written it and the reader was given feedback on their presenting skills.

*Both grade 9 classes have students who need to finish up their Bio Poem videos and the Google Classroom assignment from Friday.  Please get those done as soon as possible.  Thanks!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday, October 3, 2016 - Day 3

Computers 8

The students received a summative mark on their computer privacy plan.  Most were below a 3 as they were missing either:
  • information, a picture, or a link for each item they discussed
  • information from most of the areas we discussed in class (ex: passwords, friends, on-line reputation, sexting, and so on)
As a result they had this class to add to their plans and resubmit them for re-evaluation.  They also had time to finish up other assignments such as: Final Searching Summative Assignment, Word Practice 1 & 2, and the Word poster.

French 7B

The students went though the questions and answers for Chaise Chaud (or the Hot Seat) where students will be practicing their asking and answering questions skills in upcoming classes.

French 8B

Students went through their "er" formative verb quizzes and practiced their "ir" verb conjugations with a kahoot.  We will have an "ir" formative verb quiz next class, Friday, October 7th.


The students read and then began sharing their "15 Minutes of Fame" writing piece.  Each student received another student's piece of writing and then had time to prepare before presenting it to the class; focusing on eye contact, volume, enunciation, tone, and emotion.  After each piece was read the class guessed who had written it and the reader was given feedback on their presenting skills.


The students read and then we finished discussing Ken Dryden's "The Game" before students began writing a one page article or interview about their imaginary 15 minutes of fame.

*Both grade 9 classes have students who need to finish up their Bio Poem videos and the Google Classroom assignment from Friday.  Please get those done as soon as possible.  Thanks!

* All classes received new seating plans as it is the first school day of the new month.