Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday, December 18, 2015

French 9B

The students had time to finish their Glogsters on a favourite movie.  They are now due.


The students watched a classic Christmas story by O. Henry about sacrifice, gift giving, and the true meaning of love.  It was written in 1905 but is still relevant today - The Gift of the Magi.  We also watched the fun version made by Ernie and Bert of Sesame Street.

French 8B

Students received their formative evaluation on writing sentences describing hair, eyes, and clothing.  Then they had a chance to improve their Glogster on a favourite singer.  Presentations of the Glogs will start in the new year.

Have a wonderful, relaxing break over the

Christmas holidays!

See you next year!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015

*Tomorrow is PJ Day, Early Dismissal at 2:30 & the movie for Telemiracle.  Bring $5 if you have not already done so.

French 9A

Students had time to finish their Glogster on a favourite movie in French.


 The students, individually, evaluated a fellow classmates persuasive essay about whether it is better to read the book or see the movie of "The Outsiders."  Students had time to edit and improve their essays before turning them in.

Next we discussed how to choose a topic for a persuasive essay from ideas in the following PowerPoint:

Choosing a Persuasive Essay Topic

 Students then had time to choose a topic and research it to outline their next essay.  We will continue working on research and writing the essay in the new year.


The students had time to continue writing their Persuasive Essay #2 on a topic of their own choice.
They could also work on their Outsiders Project or their French Glogster. Both will be due by the end of class tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

*Tomorrow is Mitten & Tuque Day!

French 8B

Students worked on their Glogster about a singer or musical group.  These are due for Friday's class.  No more class time will be given.


Students, in groups of four, spent two classes examining exemplers of persuasive writing by grade nine students.  Using rubrics they gave the writing a grade of 1 to 4 and we then discussed how they were actually graded and why.  At the end of this process each student individually evaluated one piece of writing and handed it in. Students must have a printed copy (for tomorrow's class) of their persuasive essay on why someone should choose to read the book or watch the movie of "The Outsiders."


Students had this class to work on researching the topic they have chosen for their second persuasive essay.  Many students have still not handed in their final project for "The Outsiders".  It must be handed in tomorrow.

*Remember to bring $5 for the Telemiracle movie afternoon on Friday.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

*Today was Santa's Workshop Day and tomorrow is Ugly Christmas Sweater Day!

French 8A

The class wrote the quiz on "er" verbes and started describing a person's hair, eyes, and clothing in French.

French 9B

Students had this class to work on their Glogster about a favourite movie.  Friday will be the last class time to finish up this project.

French 8B

Students had this class to work on their Glogster about a favourite singer and song.  Tomorrow will be the last class time to finish up this project.

French 7B

Students continued to work on their green screen films.  They will have one class after break to finish filming.  Please remember not to wear green!


Students had this class to finish their persuasive essay convincing someone to either read the book or watch the movie of "The Outsiders."  If you are not done please finish tonight and hand in a printed copy tomorrow.

*The 12 Days of Compliments continues until Friday.  To see the compliments already posted go to  @ActivateUCHS on Twitter.  :)

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

*Happy Red & Green Day!  Tomorrow is Santa Day so dig out your elf suit or reindeer antlers. * Don't forget to bring $5 on Friday for the TeleMiracle movie!

French 8A

The students practiced for their "er" verbe quiz tomorrow.  They need to be able to conjugate "er" verbs and translate French sentences, we've previously discussed, into English. If you are away tomorrow talk to Miss Riddell about an alternate time to write.

French 7B

Students found the last of their background pictures to use when filming their green screen "Mon Voyage" and some even started filming. Yeah! Please don't wear green for the next few classes or bring a hoodie of a different colour.


The students finished presenting the persuasive advertisement they found last class.  We reviewed the 7 strategies in persuasive writing:
  1. Claim - state a main point or stance
  2. Big names - mention experts and important people (sometimes celebrities) to support the argument
  3. Logos - use logic, numbers or facts to support the argument
  4. Pathos - appeal to the audience's emotions
  5. Ethos - try to build trust and credibility
  6. Kairos - build a sense of urgency for the cause
  7. Research - use studies and information to make the argument more convincing: this can be in the form of words, graphs, tables or illustrations
Together we read an article about Syrian Refugees and found almost all the traits were used.  Students then started work on their own persuasive essay where they are trying to convince someone to either read the book or watch the movie of "The Outsiders", assuming their audience can only do one.  The planning sheet should allow students to plan an introductory paragraph, three paragraphs giving reasons to support their argument, and a concluding paragraph.  This needs to be turned in on Google Classroom by Wednesday, December 15th and one copy printed out for me.

French 7A

Students continued practicing their vocabulary for body parts through a variety of activities.

French 9A

Students started work on their Glogster about a movie in French.  They need to include: a title, the date of release, the genre, the setting, the time period, 2 reasons they like the film, 2 starts from the movie (with descriptions of their hair, eyes, and 3 pieces of clothing/jewelry), and a French movie trailer.  Information should be presented in complete French sentences.
Students who were absent need to see me or check their e-mail for a login and password for Glogster.


Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015


Students received their Outsider Exam results.

The students, individually, evaluated one more exemplar of persuasive writing.  They then evaluated a fellow classmates persuasive essay about whether it is better to read the book or see the movie of "The Outsiders."  Students had time to edit and improve their essays before turning them in.

Next we discussed how to choose a topic for a persuasive essay from ideas in the following PowerPoint:

Choosing a Persuasive Essay Topic

Students then had time to choose a topic and research it to outline their next essay.

French 7A

We continued discussing and practicing body parts in French.


Students received their Outsider Exam results.

We began discussing the 7 traits of persuasive writing.


Monday - RED / GREEN Day
Tuesday - Santa's Workshop Day
Wednesday - Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Thursday - Mitt & Toque Day
Friday - PJ Day, Movie ($5 for Telemiracle) & Early Dismissal at 2:30 pm

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

It has been a busy week with Drama performances.  Great job by everyone involved!

French 9A & 9B

We finished discussing reasons to like movies and watched several more trailers for movies in French.  9B just started planning out a Glogster about their favourite movie and 9A will be starting this next class.

French 8B

This class also planned out a Glogster on their favourite singer and a song, which they enjoy.

French 7A

The students reviewed the verbe - avoir (to have) and their knowledge of body parts.  We are going to study a Quebec legend featuring a Loup Garou (werewolf) so we learned to describe one.


Many students are overdue in handing in their projects for "The Outsiders" which were due last Friday.  Please turn them in as soon as possible.  We are currently discussing persuasive writing.  The students looked at several exemplers of persuasive writing by grade 9 students and are going to use their skills to assess and improve their current persuasive writing piece.


"The Outsider" final projects are due tomorrow.  Please turn in charts on Google Classroom and e-mail me links for Fakebook and Glogsters.  Send me your iMovies through e-mail.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015

French 8A

We practiced "er" verbes for our quiz on Tuesday, December 15th.

"ER" verbes
1. Remove the er.
2. Add the correct endings:

JE ...E (I ...)                              NOUS ...ONS (We ...)
TU ...ES (You(s) ...)                 VOUS ...EZ (You (pl) ...)
IL ...E (He ...)                           ILS ... ENT (They (m)...)
ELLE ... E (She ...)                  ELLES ... ENT (They (f) ...)
ON ... E) (One ...)

French 9B

We discussed vocabulary about reasons to like a movie and discussed the formative assessment on describing a celebrities hair, eyes, and clothing.  We also watched and discussed a few more French movie trailers.

French 8B

We discussed the "er" verbe test and orally described a classmate.  Then students worked in pairs and took photo of their partner and described their hair, eyes and clothing in a French poster.

French 7B

Students searched for background pictures for their green screen projects and created a title and credit slide in PicCollage.


Last class to work on "The Outsider" projects, which are due Friday, December 11th.
Our test will be on Wednesday, December 9th.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

French 8A

We watched everyone's "ER" verbe videos, except for one. We also practiced conjugating "er" verbes for our quiz on Tuesday, December 15th.

French 7B

We practiced our sentences orally for green screening and then studied the verb "AVOIR" to have.


The students had 2 classes to work on their final projects.  The last working class will be Monday and projects will be due on Friday, December 11th.  Out test on "The Outsiders"  will be held on Wednesday, December 9th. Study outlines were handed out so see Miss Riddell if you were away and would like one.

French 7A

The students practiced using J'ai ... orally and on a written worksheet and crossword.

French 9A

We looked at the names for various genres of films in French, how to describe settings, and time frames.  We also practiced a reading activity to describe people. The students also watched three "Bandes Annonces" or movie trailers in French.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Fruit is in.  Please pick up your orders to deliver.


We discussed persuasive writing and examined several examples.   There are 7 strategies to use:
1. Claim - your main point
2. Big Names - celebrities, medical experts, other important people that support your side of the argument
3. Logos - not a picture logo but rather using logic, numbers, facts, and data to support your argument
4. Pathos - appealing to your audience's emotions
5. Ethos - making yourself seem trustworthy and believable
6. Kairos - building a sense of urgency, often used for sales - 1 day only 30% off
7. Research - using studies and information to make your argument more convincing, mays include words, graphs, tables, illustrations

When writing a persuasive piece start with an attention grabber, followed by your main thesis, supporting details, sometimes including the cons to your argument and refuting them, and a strong conclusion.

We read the following article and then looked to see how many strategies were used and where:
Why Canada Should Welcome Syrian Refugees A Lot More

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________


Take another look at the persuasive piece that you chose to share with the class from the Persuasion Is All Around You assignment. What strategies does the author use to try to persuade you? Read through each strategy and decide whether the author used that strategy by writing yes or no in the second column. If you write yes, then explain how the author used that strategy. Persuasive Strategy
How the Author Used It
Claim – States the main
point or stance
Big Names – Mentions experts and important people to support the argument
Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or
facts to support the argument
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
Ethos – Tries to build trust and credibility
Kairos – Builds a sense of urgency
for the cause
Research – Uses studies and
information to make the
argument seem more convincing;
this can be in the form of words,
graphs, tables, or illustrations

French 7A

We went through our Mon Voyage Quizzes.  Then we practiced conjugating the verb Avoir.


Students continued work on their final project for "The Outsiders."  the last class day to work on the project will be Monday, December 7th and projects will be due Friday, December 11th.  Our test will be on Wednesday, December 9th.