Day 5
French 7B
The students went through their "er" verb re-assessments and their reading assessment. They then reviewed "ir" verbs in preparation for our quiz on Tuesday, May 31st.
Je ---- IS (I)
Tu ----IS (You(s))
Il ------IT (He) * le, la, un, use, son, mon, Fred, Anne would also end in IT
Elle---IT (She)
On ----IT (One)
Nous ------ISSONS (We)
Vous ------ISSEZ (You (pl))
Ils ---------ISSENT (They (m)) *les, des, ses, mes, Sam et Frank, would also end in ISSENT
Elles ------ISSENT (They (f))
If you were absent see Miss Riddell on Monday for the practice sheet.
Students silent read and then wrote three paragraphs to answer the question: How can I prepare myself to follow my career choice? The suggested format was an introductory paragraph about the chosen career (tasks, hours, general information), a body (education and skills that you need, have or need to work on), and a conclusion that ties it all together. This needs to be in the form of a Google Document created in the assignment on Google Classroom.
French 8B
The students have until midnight tonight to complete any corrections in their Famous French Canadian Google Slide Shows. Today the students reviewed the knowledge needed to use passé composé for their test, which will be on
Monday, June 6th.
J'ai Nous avons
Tu as Vous avez
Il a Ils ont
Elle a Elles ont
On a
* This verb is used as an auxillary for the regular er, ir, and re verbs and many irregular verbs.
Regular Verb Examples:
(jouer) J'ai joué au hockey. (I played hockey.) er-->é
(finir) Tu as fini tes devoirs. (You (s) finished your homework.) ir-->i
(attendre) Il a attendu l'autobus. (He waited for the bus.) re-->u
Irregular Verb Examples:
(avoir) Elle a eu trois enfants. (She had three children.) avoir--> eu
être) On a été un rhume. (One had a cold.)
(faire) Nous avons fait du shopping. (We went shopping.) faire-->fait (Can also mean made or did)
(vouloir) Vous avez voulu le chocolat. (You (pl) wanted chocolate.) vouloir-->voulu
(prendre) Ils ont pris le train. (They(m) took the train.) prendre-->pris
apprendre--> appris (to learn) comprendre-->compris (to understand)
(lire) Elles ont lu le livre. (They(f) read a book.) lire--> lu
û - to have to, must) (voir-->vu - to see) (pouvoir--> pu - to be able to, can)
Je suis Nous sommes
Tu es Vous
Il est Ils sont
Elle est Elles sont
On est
*This verb is used as an auxillary for the DR & MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs.
*You need to add an extra E (if the pronoun is feminine) and an extra S (if the pronoun is plural.)
Devenir -->devenu Je suis devenu(e) un professor. (I became a teacher)
Rester --> resté Tu es resté(e) à la maison. (You(s) stayed at the house.)
Monter --> monté Il est monté l'arbre. (He climbed up the tree.)
Revenir --> revenue Elle est revenue la salle de classe. (She came back to the classroom.)
Sortir --> sorti On est sorti(e) quand il y a un feu. (One exited when there was a fire.)
Venir --> venu Nous sommes venu(e)s
à huit heures. (We came at 8 o'clock.)
Aller --> allé Vous
êtes allé(e)(s) chez moi. (You (pl) went to my place.)
Naitre--> né Ils sont nés en 1969. (They(m) were born in 1969.)
Descendre--> descendu Elles sont descendues les escaliers. (They (f) went down the stairs.)
Entrer --> entré
Retourner --> retourné
Tomber --> tombé
Rentrer --> rentré
Arriver --> arrive
Mourir --> mort
Partir --> parti
If you were absent today see me for the sheet your missed.
The students continued on with their career presentations.
French 10/20/30
The students practiced asking and answering questions. We also had a few students model and we described their outfits. We added some vocabulary for accessories and hair.
des bijoux (jewelry) (m)
des boucles d'oreille (earrings)
un collier (necklace)
un bracelet (bracelet)
une montre (watch)
une bague (ring)
une alliance (wedding ring)
une bague de fian
çailles (engagement ring)
un piercing
un tatouage (tattoo)
les cheveux (hair)
courts (short)
moyens (medium)
longs (long)
raides (straight)
ondulés (wavy)
frisés, bouclés (curly)
roux (red hair)