Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

This week Mrs. Snell joined us to help the students get set-up for SRA reading.  During SRA reading time students will read various stories at specific levels and take tests on comprehension and vocabulary.  This is a good way for the students to self-assess their reading abilities and create data to check their reading levels.  Students who have previously been at UCHS started SRA reading activities in grade 7.  We will be doing SRA reading approximately once in a six day cycle, as time allows.
Today we started to read an article by Ken Dryden on celebrities.  The class had a passionate discussion about whether professional athletes should be paid large salaries. Next week we will be starting the novel 'The Outsiders' by S. E. Hinton.

This class is also set-up for SRA reading.  Today we started our novel study of 'The Outsiders' by S. E. Hinton.

* As a note both grade 9 classes will be undergoing CAT testing on Tuesday, October 6 and Wednesday, October 7th.  It is very important that students be at school on these days as missed tests will have to be rescheduled, which is very inconvenient for all involved.  These tests can not be studied for but before a CAT testing day students should make sure they have a good night's sleep and the morning of a test students should eat a healthy breakfast. 

French 7-9
Most classes are wrapping up our review package and will be starting our first official units in the next few classes.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday was a gorgeous day for the Terry Fox Walk. Thanks to everyone who brought a loonie or two.

ELA 9B used Google Classroom to create a slide show today about Dennis Shappa's journey.

Friday is the last day of Welcome Week. It is School Colour Day (red & black). There will be a Pep Rally, a home football game, and the senior girls are hosting a volleyball tournament. Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today was full of camouflage and burgers.

Thursday is Jersey Day, the Terry Fox Walk and the Chili Cook Off. Everyone should bring $1 to donate to Terry Fox. If you wish to buy cups of all the chilies & a vote it costs $5. If you just want one bowl of chili it is $3.

French 7B, 8A & 8B need their dictionaries and colouring supplies tomorrow (Thursday) for French.

ELA 9B should have their slide show about Dennis Shappa planned out and ready to go for tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Those who wore their pajamas today looked cozy and breakfast was yummy!

ELA 9A did their first assignment using Google Classroom slides today.  It allowed both students to work on the same presentation at the same time.  The only glitch was some partners didn't start out in the assignment so couldn't turn in their finished project.  Remember to start out in the assignment in the future please.

French 7A & 9A need their dictionaries and colouring supplies tomorrow for French.
Tomorrow is Camo Day & there is a Burger Sale at lunch.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

No school for students today as the staff is exploring the world of video making during our PD Day.
The rest of this week is welcome week:

Tuesday - Pajama Day & Breakfast provided by the SCC

Wednesday - Camouflage Day & Burger Sale

Thursday - Jersey Day, Terry Fox Walk/Run & Chili Cook Off

Friday - School Colour Day (Red and Black), Pep Rally, Football Home Game & Senior Girls' Volleyball Home Tournament


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

In French 7-9 we've been doing some general review.  This week most classes have practiced days of the week, months of the year, and seasons.  Here are links to some songs on these topics:

Les jours de la semaine

Les mois de l'année

Les saisons

ELA 9A&B - Both classes have finished a new article based on the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding," which should now be turned in on Google Classroom.  We are currently looking at Robert Frost's poem 'The Road Not Taken' and the symbolism found therein.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

In French 7-9 we've been doing some general review.  This week most classes have practiced days of the week, months of the year, and seasons.  Here are links to some songs on these topics:

Les jours de la semaine

Les mois de l'année

Les saisons

ELA 9A&B - Both classes have finished a new article based on the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding," which should now be turned in on Google Classroom.  We are currently looking at Robert Frost's poem 'The Road Not Taken' and the symbolism found therein.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

ELA 9A & 9B did a self-assessment on their news articles based on the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding."  The students also described the theme of the story.  We watched a video of a trailer for the story and one version of the story created for YouTube.

The class also discussed the importance of being a good digital citizen and to THINK before you post on-line if it is:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is picture day at UCHS. Remember not to wear green. Bring your smiles! 
Wednesday ELA 9B will be typing out their final versions of the news articles they wrote based on the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding." Today we discussed and put into action a peer editing plan. More information can be found in the September 11th post on this blog.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

ELA 9B rough copies of the newspaper articles based on the story "On The Sidewalk Bleeding" are due tomorrow (Tuesday, period 6).  Remember you are a reporter answering the who, what, where, when, why and how questions. Also, include some quotations from the characters in the story.  You may add your own details such as names, exact location, and so on. Don't forget a headline.

Remember, school pictures are Wednesday, September 16th and all fees and forms are also due that day.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

ELA 9A has finished reading "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" and on Monday, September 14th the students' news articles, based on the story are due.  Each article should be turned in on Google Classroom, which may be done from school or home.  Today we peer edited using the strategies found in the following:

Peer Editing PowerPoint

The rubric for the article may be found here:

Newspaper Article Rubric

ELA 9B will begin the above assignment next week.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

In ELA 9 we watched the following video version of the poem 'Identity' by Julio Noboa Polanco.
Remember that the THEME of a piece of writing is the author's message to the reader. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

In French we have been reviewing the alphabet and numbers in all grades.  Here are two quick videos to help you practice:

September 1st and 2nd

Well the first two days are done and I have met the 9A, 9B, 8B and 7A classes.  Tomorrow I should meet everyone else.  We have spent time in class getting to know each other and reviewing expectations and course outlines.  Please find copies of the course outlines below:

Grade 7 Core French

Grade 8 Core French

Grade 9 Core French

Grade 9 ELA

ELA 9A - We are trying to get everyone set-up on Google classroom where students will be able to work on and turn in assignments from any computer or devise.  We had a few glitches today but will try again tomorrow. If you want to review the steps here is the video we saw in class:

Homework: 9A - In Search of Self Questions, Bio Poem
Good luck to all the football players tomorrow!